The hair can be considered as oily if it has a greasy appearance from 2nd to 3rd day after shampooing. The secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands of the scalp causes the oiliness. The secretion of sebum is controlled by androgens which are present in small quantities in women. Secretion of sebum starts at the puberty stage and the hair will be greasier in women during menstruation. The oiliness of the hair makes it appear as stringy and dirty even though you wash your hair regularly. Oil on the scalp is necessary to keep the scalp healthy and to prevent damage to hair such as split ends and provide a good sheen. Oily hair can cause dandruff and itching.
Washing your hair
It is important to wash your hair regularly and if your hair is extra greasy, it is OK to wash it every day. It will keep your hair clean and stripe the grease out. And make sure you rinse your hair thoroughly, because any leftover shampoo residue will attract more oil and of course dirt too! Also, rinse your hair with warm water. While hot water completely removes the oil from your hair, your scalp will immediately replenish them, making it even more oily and prone to dirt.
Do not over brush
Over brushing your hair stimulates the oil glands and this may lead to increased oil production on your scalp. Also, keep your hand away from your hair while eating, especially if you are preparing greasy food. And pin up your hair above your head if you plan to use oily makeup. Always use a hair brush to remove tangles and not your fingers! Another method is to keep your hair away from your forehead, as this is an oily zone and your hair is prone to absorb oils from your skin.
Natural rinses
Aloe vera-One of the best home remedies to treat oily hair is the use of aloe vera gel. You can mix the aloe vera gel with any shampoo to get rid of oily hair.

 In a cup of mild shampoo mix a tablespoon of lemon juice as well as one teaspoon of aloe vera gel that you have taken out from a fresh aloe vera.
 Mix this well and apply the required amount on your oily hair, leave it to react on your hair for a few minutes and then rinse it off completely.
 You can store the remaining home made shampoo in your fridge for about a week and use it every day.

Lemon- You can make a special rinse for your hair right in your kitchen. Add two cups of distilled water to juice from two lemons, mix well and store it in a bottle. Once you shower, pat dry your hair and apply the mix to your hair. Allow the mixture to work on the oils for five minutes and then wash it off with cold water.
Vinegar- Another tip to de-grease your hair is using vinegar. After shampooing, pour a mixture of vinegar and water (two tablespoons of vinegar+1cup of water) over your hair. And trust us, you will NOT smell like a salad as the vinegar’s smell will fade as your hair dries!
Diluted tea -Even diluted tea, cider vinegar or beer can be used to avoid greasy hair. Lemon, tea and vinegar contain acidic ingredients which work towards combating the oil in your hair. Make sure you rinse your hair with cold water later.
Egg yolk- Egg yolk is found to be a good product that you can use on your hair as it helps to condition your hair and to remove excess oils. It is an age old home remedy to treat excess oil in the hair.

Take 2 egg yolks and beat it well. In this egg yolk mixture add a few drops of lemon juice and mix well once again.
 Now apply this mixture on your wet hair and leave it there for five minutes.  Rinse it off thoroughly so that no residue is left behind.  Use this egg yolk mixture on your hair two to three times a week to get rid of oily hair.

Quick fix
If you did not have the time to wash your hair in the morning and have a party to attend later in the day, here’s what you can do – dust some baby powder on your hair, leave it for five minutes and comb well. The powder would have absorbed the oils and your hair will have a pleasant fragrance!


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