
Showing posts from October, 2018


CHEMICAL NAME— Arsenic   trisulphide DESCRIPTION —A yellow or orange powder; odorless. Insoluble in water and alcohol; soluble in alkalies; slowly soluble in hot hydrochloric acid and decomposes in boiling dilute nitric acid with separation of sulphur. It is found in nature and is also prepared by the action of hydrogen chloride on aqueous solution of arsenious oxide. HISTORY AND AUTHORITY —Proved by Hahnemann. Allen’s   Encyclop. Mat. Med. Vol.1, 556. Hering, Guiding Symptoms, Vol. 11, 145 MATERIA MEDICA MIND —Patient is very irritable, quarrelsome, very sensitive and touchy. Fear at night of dark, of evil and ghosts. Fear of cloud also. Suspicious of his friends and family.   Weeping at night and occasionally weeps during sleep. Intense torturing anxiety and apprehension. HEAD —Needle-like stitches in right frontal region. RESPIRATION —Needle like pricks within outwards in chest. Difficult respiration. MOUTH —Taste bitter. Tongue furred, yellow-white, stiff, sw


A vaginal candidiasis or yeast infection is a common condition.   A healthy vagina contains bacteria and some yeast cells. But when the balance of bacteria and yeast changes, the yeast cells can multiply. This causes intense itching, swelling and irritation. A specific kind of yeast called Candida albicans causes most of the yeast infections. A vaginal yeast infection affects up to 3 out of 4 women at some point in their life times. Many women experience at least two episodes. Vaginal yeast infection are not considered a sexually transmitted infection. Sexual contact can spread it, but women who are not sexually   active can also get them.   Once you get a yeast infection , you are likely to get another one. Causes —The fungus Candida is a naturally occurring microorganism in the vaginal area. Lactobacillus bacteria keeps its growth in check. But when there is an imbalance in the hormone system, these bacteria won’t work effectively. This leads to an overgrowth of yeast, w


BOTANICAL NAME -—Citrus limon ( L ) Burm.f COMMON NAMES Bengali- Baranebu, Goranebu English— Lemon French —Citronnier, Limonier German— Limone Hindi —Baranimbu, Jambira, Paharikaghzi Malayalam —Cherunaranga, Ganapatinarakam Tamil— Mahanimbu, Vanabijapura Telugu —Bijapuram, Gajanimma, Naradabba HISTORY The name Limonum is derived from the Arabic limun or Limu, which in turn probably comes from the Sanskrit Nimbuka It is mentioned in T.F Allen’s , Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica, Vol. 111; J.H Clarke, A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, Vol1,p.532. OCCURRENCE     & DISTRIBUTION It is a native of northern India. It is cultivated; grown in the orchards in Uttar Pradesh , Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka. Found wild in the north – west regions of India, ascending 1300 m. It is also cultivated in all countries bordering on the Mediterranean , especially in Sicily and southern Italy, in Spain and Portugal. DESCRIPTION A str


  Lichen planus pigmentosus ( LPP ) was first described by Bhutani et al. in 1974. This disease of unknown etiology runs an insidious and prolonged course and is characterized by macules of dark brown color distributed principally in the sun-exposed areas of the body. The disease may involve the mucosa but spares the scalp and nails. They named the disease ‘ Lichen planus pigmentosus ‘. It has been reported to occur predominantly in persons with darker skin and may occasionally be accompanied by pruritus. Cases have been reported from India, Japan, Korea, the Middle East, and Latin America. The disease starting insidiously after the age of 30. It occurs  in both sexes but shows  a female preponderance. Lichen planus pigmentosus is a rare variant of cutaneous lichen planus characterized by the presence of hyperpigmented lesions in sun-exposed or flexural areas of the body. Symptoms ·          The disease usually starts on the face and neck, spreading later to the upper ext


Lecithin originated from the Greek lekithos, referring to egg yolk. Lecithin was discovered in 1805 and has been proposed for use in treating liver ailments, high levels of cholesterol in the blood, and nerve diseases, as well as in the food processing industry. Lecithin is a common compound found in cells of all living organisms; it is required for proper biological function. Lecithin a phosphatide, or phospholipid , found in living organisms.   It is a significant constituent of nervous tissue and brain substances of animals, but also present in plants. Chemically it is a mixture of the diglycerides of stearic , palmitic, and oleic acids, linked to the choline ester of phosphoric acid. Lecithin is a waxy mass when the acid value is about 20; it is a pourable , thick fluid when the acid value is around 30. It is nearly white when freshly prepared, but rapidly becomes yellow or brown in air. It is insoluble , but swells up in water and in sodium chloride solution, forming a


  Darier disease is a skin condition characterized by wart –like blemishes on the body. The blemishes are usually yellowish in color , hard to the touch, mildly greasy, and can emit a strong odor.The most common sites for blemishes are the scalp , forehead, upper arms, chest, back, knees, elbows, and behind the year. The mucous membranes can also be affected , with blemishes on the roof of the mouth, tongue, inside of the cheek, gums and the throat. Other features   of this disease include nail abnormalities, such as red and white streaks in the nails with an irregular texture, and small pits in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Darier disease is a rare genetic disorder that is manifested predominantly by scaly or crusted papules. It is also known as Darier –White disease . Darier disease was previously called ‘keratosis folliculitis ‘ , but this in correct because the scalypapules do not arise from hair follicles. Onset of skin changes usually in adolescence and t