
Showing posts from May, 2020


ORINITHOGALUM UMBELLATUM BOTANICAL NAME:  Orinithogallum umbellatum Linn FAMILY:  Liliaceae COMMON NAMES:  English: Star- of- Bethlehem, Star flower, Summer snowflake. DESCRIPTION:  A perennial herb with the leaves all basal and emerging from subterranean bulbs. The leaves are narrowly linear , blunt, fleshy. A leafless scape, about the same length as the leaves also arises from each bulb. 5-6 flowers , borne on pedicles are arranged in a terminal, corymbose cluster on the scape, white in color. DISTRIBUTION:  Europe, North America. PART USED:  Flowering twigs. HOMOEOPATHIC USES CANCER:  Cancer of stomach and intestine. Agonizing pain in stomach. Pain increased when food passes through pyloric outlet. Vomiting of coffee ground looking matter. Distension of stomach. Loss of appetite. Complete prostration. Feeling of sickness keeps patient awake at night. POTENCY: Mother tincture and higher. 


Peptic ulcers are open sores that develop on the inside lining of the stomach , lower esophagus,   and the upper portion of the small intestine. The most common symptom of a peptic ulcer is stomach pain. Peptic ulcers include: ·           Gastric ulcers  that occur on the inside of the stomach ·           Duodenal ulcers  that occur on the inside of the upper portion of your small intestine (duodenum) The most common causes of peptic ulcers are infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) and long-term use of aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (Advil, Aleve, others). Stress and spicy foods do not cause peptic ulcers. However, they can make your symptoms worse. Causes Peptic ulcers occur when acid in the digestive tract eats away at the inner surface of the stomach or small intestine. The acid can create a painful open sore that may bleed.  Digestive tract is coated with a mucous layer that normally protects against acid. But if the a


CASSIA FISTULA BOTANICAL  NAME —Cassia fistula Linn. FAMILY— Leguminosae COMMON NAMES— English- golden rain tree, Purgin cassia; Hindi-Amaltas; Malayalam—Kani konna, Tamil-Konnei; Telugu-Rela. DESCRIPTION— A deciduous tree up to 5 m high. Leaves ovate , distinctly stalked , usually acute.  Racemes as long as the leaves, pendulous. Flowers bright yellow in colour. DISTRIBUTIO N—Indigenous to India. PART USED --Fruits HOMOEOPATHIC USES Useful as a laxative, in liver diseases and intestinal ulceration. Externally used as a great application for gout , rheumatism, snake bites, ringworm POTENCY — Mother tincture. 


LOBELIA ERINUS BOTANICAL NAME—Lobelia erinus Linn. FAMILY—Lobeliaceae COMMON NAMES—English—Garden lobelia, Trailing lobelia. DESCRIPTION—A diffuse and half trailing annual herb, with slender branches. The lower leaves are obovate or spatulate, crenate-toothed , and very obtuse, while the upper leaves are oblanceolate or oblong. The flowers are on slender panicles, light blue or violet in color. The fruit is a two valved fruit. DISTRIBUTION—Native of South Africa. A very common garden annual in North America and elsewhere. PART USED—Whole plant. HOMOEOPATHIC USES CANCER—Malignant growths, extremely rapid development.  Skin cancer. Malignant disease of face. Epithelioma.  Cancer of the omentum . Cork screw like pains in abdomen. Distaste for brandy. Breast cancer. DEAFNESS-Deafness with history of otorrhea and anemia. POTENCY—Mother tincture and higher. 


THIOSINAMINUM Thiosinaminum is a Homoeopathic drug prepared from  a chemical derived from the seeds of Mustard . Mustard seeds are aobtained from the plant Brassica nigra, an annual plant belongs to family Brassicaceae. Thiosinaminum is a white aromatic crystal, having a garlic like odor and bitter taste. It is freely soluble in water and very soluble in alcohol, slightly soluble in benzene. Prepared by warming a mixture of equal parts of allyl mustard oil and absolute alcohol with a equal amount of 30 percent ammonia. HOMOEOPATHIC USES Dissolving Keloids and removing scar tissue; Tinnitis; Post operative adhesions; Cancer; Back pain; Crohn’s and colitis; Cataract and corneal opacity; Arthritis, Spinal stenosis, Sciatica, Ankylosis; Lupus; Otitis media with effusion; Deafness; Urethral and rectal stricture; Alzheimer’s disease; Vertigo; Uterine fibroids; Thickened ear drum; Lymphadenopathy, Urticaria; Respiratory issues like asthma or shortness of breath. Tabes dorsalis; Sclero


JANOSIA ASHOKA BOTANICAL NAME—Saraca indica Linn. FAMILY—Leguminosae COMMON NAMES—English-Asoka- tree, Sorrowless tree; Hindi-Ashok; Malayalam-Ashokam;Tamil-Asogam;   Telugu-Asok DESCRIPTION—A tree with glabrous branches. Leaves very long, rachis glabrous, petioles very short, ovate-oblong, obtuse, parallel nerved. Leaflets 4-6 pairs. Flowers fragrant, numerous , in dense axillary corymbs. DISTRIBUTION—India. PART USED—Bark. HOMOEOPATHIC USES AMENORRHEA—Delayed and irregular menses . Headache, hysteria, anorexia, and palpitation due to suppression of menses. Menstrual discharge is scanty, pale, watery, foul smelling, and blackish. Amenorrhea at puberty with pain in head.   Violent menstrual colic.. MENORRHAGIA—Profuse menses, painful, foul smelling , black blood. Menorrhagia with various uterine disorders. LEUCORRHEA—Leucorrhea from delayed menses or in the place of menses. Infantile leucorrhea. Leucorrhea with sterility. ANEMIA-Chlorosis in lean and thin hysteric


JATROPHA CURCAS BOTANICAL NAME:   Jatropha curcas Linn. FAMILY:   Euphorbiaceae COMMON NAMES:   English: Purging nut; Hindi: Jangali Arandi, Jamal Ghota; Malayalam: Kadalavanakku; Tamil: Kattukkotai. DESCRIPTION:   A large shrub or a small tree. Leaf alternate, crowded at the top of branches, ovate, cordate, acute, usually palmately 3-5 lobed, glabrous, 15-45 cm including petiole. Flowers in lose panicles of cymes, yellowish gree. Fruit fleshy, ovoid. Seeds ovoid-oblong , dull brownish black. DISTRIBUTION:   Throughout India. PART USED:   Seed. HOMOEOPATHIC USES DIARRHEA & CHOLERA:   Sudden, profuse , watery, like rice-water stool. Forced discharge. Much noise in abdomen as if a bottle was   being emptied.   Loud noise in abdomen like gurgling of water coming out of a bung-hole, associated with coldness, cramps, nausea, and vomiting. Anxiety, anguish, indifference and prostration. VOMITING: Very easy vomiting. Vomiting of pregnancy. Vomiting of a large mass o