Hypersomnia means excessive sleepiness. Hypersomnia is also known as Disorder of excessive somnolence, DOES. Hypersomnia means one or more of the following
·         Excessive day time sleepiness
·         Sleep attacks during day time ( falling sleep unintentionally )
·         Sleep drunkenness ( person needs much more time to awaken; and during this period is confused or disoriented ).
Hypersomnia is seen in about 1-2 % of general population at any given time. As insomnia and hypersomnia may be present at the same time, the underlying causes may be common to both. It is required for the diagnosis that the sleep disturbance occurs daily for at least one month or for recurrent periods of shorter duration and that it causes either marked distress or interfers with social and occupational functioning.
The common causes of hypersomnia include:
Medical illness
·         Narcolepsy-a disorder characterized by excessive day time sleepiness-  in about 25% of all patients with hypersonia.
·         Sleep apnea, in about 50% of all patients with hypersonia.
·         Kleine-Levin syndrome.
·         Menstrual associated somnolence.
·         Sleep deprivation
·         Following or with insomnia
·         Encephalitis
·         Hypothyroidism
·         Head injury
·         Cerebral tumors in the region of mid-brain
·         Hypothalamic lesions
·         Trypanosomiasis
·         PMS, ( Periodic movements in sleep ); in about 10% of all patients with hypersonia
Alcohol and drug abuse
·         Stimulant withdrawal
·         Alcohol intoxication
·         Use of CNS depressant medication
Psychiatric disorders
·         Dysthymia
·         Atypical depression
Idiopathic hypersomnia
Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world. It strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance  at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When Hypersomnia   is concerned there are many effective medicines available in Homoeopathy , but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient , considering mental and physical symptoms.

AGARICUS MUSCARIUS:  Desire to sleep in the day, especially after meal. Violent yawning , followed drowsiness. In the morning a sense of dizziness and great difficulty in rising. Unrefreshing sleep.
ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM:  Strong inclination to sleep during the day, especially in the evening or morning. Deep unrefreshing sleep. Sleepy and weary. Drowsiness in elderly people. Waking with fright during the night. Dreams, anxious, horrible, voluptuous or painful and full of quarrelling.
CANNABIS INDICA:  Excessive sleepiness. Sound sleep with melancholy dreams. Starting of limbs while sleeping, causing him to awake. Talks during sleep. Gritting teeth during sleep. Nightmare every night as soon as he falls sleep.
CIMEX LECTULARIUS:  Irresistible sleepiness during chill. Great drowsiness, falls asleep when sitting in the morning. Frequent yawning with cold feeling on skin .
GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS:  Dull and drowsiness all the time. Heavy stupid sleep. Sleepiness of students.  Cannot get fully to sleep. Starts on falling to sleep. Delirious on falling asleep.
HYDROGEN:  Sleep deep and refreshing. Very sleepy in morning, needed frequent short naps during the day.  Sudden sleepiness. Wants to sleep propped up on pillow because of sore throat and stuffy head.
NATRUM MURIATICUM:  Sleepy in forenoon.  Sleepiness and drowsiness after meals. Starts and talks during sleep. Nervous jerking during sleep. Sobs during sleep. Sleep walking , rises and sits about room.
NUX MOSCHATA:  Narcolepsy.  Great sleepiness, with all complaints. Great drowsiness. Complaints cause sleepiness. Sleepy attacks, sudden with vertigo. Dreams of falling from high place of being pursued.  Closed eyes and pale face.
OPIUM: Sleepy but cannot go to bed. Great drowsiness. Falls into a  heavy  deep sleep. Heavy stupid sleep of the aged. Suffocates on falling asleep.
PHOSPHORIC ACID:  Sleepy by day, hot and wakeful at night. Sleep deep but when fully aroused fully conscious during fevers. Short sleep better weakness. Lascivious dreams with emissions during sleep.
PULSATILLA NIGRICANS: Irresistible sleepiness in afternoon. Great sleepiness during day , wakes confused, languid, unrefreshed.  Sleeps with hands over head. Chattering in sleep.
SULPHUR:  Heavy, unrefreshing sleep. Drowsy during day.  Sleeps in catnaps, slightest noise awakens. Sleepy after stools.


  1. Doctor indicated hypersomnia medicines available online here https://bit.ly/3JQhyeF


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