Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, which is vital to good vision. This damage is often caused by an abnormally high pressure in your eye.
 It can occur at any age but is more common in older adults.
The most common form of glaucoma has no warning signs. The effect is so gradual that you may not notice a change in vision until the condition is at an advanced stage.
Vision loss due to glaucoma can't be recovered. So it's important to have regular eye exams that include measurements of your eye pressure. If glaucoma is recognized early, vision loss can be slowed or prevented

PHOSPHORUS 200—One of the top remedies remedies for Glaucoma .It is also indicated for Glaucoma when the optic nerve is damaged (atrophied). The main symptom guiding the use of this Homeopathic remedy is tiredness of eyes all the time. The eyes seem very tired even when they are not engaged in much work. The eyes seem to be exhausted. Along with the fatigue of eyes, the vision is blurred and the patient feels that every object is under the cover of dust when he or she looks at it. Halos around light is also an important symptom. Another key symptom is the slightly improved vision by shading the eyes with hands. By doing this, the objects that look blurred seem somewhat clear. Homeopathic medicine Phosphorus helps in improving the eyesight and the fatigue of eyes.
COMOCLADIA 30-Amongst the homeopathic remedies for Glaucoma with pain , Comocladia is indicated in patients, who experience a fullness sensation in eyes. The fullness is mostly accompanied by pain in eyes. The eyes feel very enlarged. The eye pain gets worse by warmth and such a person feels relief in pain and eye fullness in open air.
BELLADONNA 200-Belladonna is the best for acute symptoms in a patient of Glaucoma. The main symptoms include sudden increase in dimness of vision. The eyes appear red. This is accompanied by a severe pain in eyes and head. The pain is very violent in character. Nausea and vomiting may also occur.
OSMIUM 30-Osmium is of great help in improving dim vision. The intraocular pressure is raised in persons needing Osmium. The important symptom listed by the patient is the display of various changeable colours of an object when looked at from different angles like a rainbow (iridescent vision). The patient may also have intolerance to light. Physostigma: Homeopathic treatment for Glaucoma following injury
PHYSOSTIGMA 30-An  effective remedy   following injury. The symptoms may be dim vision, blurring of vision or partial blindness. Along with dim vision, the patient may suffer from pain in eyes. The pain is usually worse after using the eyes. Patients of Glaucoma with myopic condition also respond well to this Homeopathic medicine.
SPIGELIA 30- Severe headache on the left sise
PRUNUS SPINOSA  30- -Prunus Spinosa is the ideal l Homeopathic medicine for treatment of sudden pain in right eye as a result of Glaucoma. Prunus Spinosa works mainly for right eye pain. Pain in eye is so acute and violent that it results in a bursting sensation in the eyeball.
CEDRON 30-In contrast to Prunus Spinosa, the action of  Homeopathic medicine Cedron is centered on the left eye of a Glaucoma patient. Cedron is the ideal Homeopathic remedy for severe, violent pain in the eye, especially left eye. The onset of pain may show certain periodicity in its occurence. The pain may show radiation to the nose.
CONIUM MAC 200- Sensation of pressure in the eyes when reading , writing or doing any fine work


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