The common cold is a viral infection of your upper respiratory tract — your nose and throat. A common cold is usually harmless, although it may not feel that way at the time. If it's not a runny nose, sore throat and cough, it's the watery eyes, sneezing and congestion — or maybe all of the above. In fact, because any one of more than 100 viruses can cause a common cold, signs and symptoms tend to vary greatly.
Preschool children are at greatest risk of frequent colds, but even healthy adults can expect to have a few colds each year.
Causes- Although more than 100 viruses can cause a common cold, the rhinovirus is the most common culprit, and it's highly contagious.
A cold virus enters your body through your mouth, eyes or nose. The virus can spread through droplets in the air when someone who is sick coughs, sneezes or talks. But it also spreads by hand-to-hand contact with someone who has a cold or by sharing contaminated objects, such as utensils, towels, toys or telephones. If you touch your eyes, nose or mouth after such contact or exposure, you're likely to catch a cold.
Symptoms-Symptoms of a common cold usually appear about one to three days after exposure to a cold-causing virus. Signs and symptoms of a common cold may include:-Runny or stuffy nose,Itchy or sore throat,Cough,Congestion,Slight body aches or a mild headache,Sneezing, Watery eyes, Low-grade fever, Mild fatigue
The discharge from your nose may become thicker and yellow or green in color as a common cold runs its course. What makes a cold different from other viral infections is that you generally won't have a high fever. You're also unlikely to experience significant fatigue from a common cold.
ACONITUM NAPELLUS  30—Give in the beginning at the start of the cold when the weather is very hot or very cold and there is much sneezing. Give it for two days. If it fails then give Ferr. Phos 6x
ALLIUM CEPA  30—Allergic coryza from pollen. Much sneezing. Copious watery and extremely acrid discharge . Coryza with cough and headache
AMMONIUM CARB. 30-  Discharge of sharp burning  water. Stopage of nose at night. Coryza  of long standing
ARSENICUM ALBUM  30—For a ripe cold. Thin watery discharge which is hot and excoriating. Nose feels stopped up. Sneezing gives no relief. It is worse in the open air and better indoors
ARUM TRIPH. 30—Acrid , excoriating discharge . Nostrils sore. Nose obstructed . Must breathe through the mouth. Irritation in the nostrils. Discharge may be bloody
CALCAREA CARB 200-  The patient takes cold easily, especially at every change of weather. Nostrils are dry, sore and ulcerated. The nose is stopped up and the discharge is fetid and of yellow color
DULCAMARA 30—Profuse during rain or when the days are hot and nights are cold. Coryza in new born babies
EUCALYPTUS  30—Thin, watery coryza with fetid discharge. Nose does not stop running. Water comes out even by bending the  head forward and without any effort
EUPHRASIA  6—Cold fully established with watering of eyes. Thick discharge but non irritating
FERRUM PHOS 1X—During the second stage of coryza, when there is heaviness of the head also
HEPAR SULPHURIS  1X- It will often secretion and profuse discharge in stuffy colds. Two or three doses are generally sufficient for the purpose. Sneezes every time he goes in the cold dry wind . Nostrils ulcerated
MENTHOLUM 30—It is curative of acute nasal catarrh with pain in the eye balls and frontal headache. Ears appear blocked up producing deafness with sore throat
MERCURIUS SOL  30—Acrid discharge. Very thick greenish discharge, has to be blown out . Sneezing in sun. It is worse in damp weather. Nostrils become ulcerated
QUILLAYA SAP.  30—If given early in the beginning of coryza , it stops the further development of cold, sore throat, dryness of throat  and cough with difficult expectoration
RHUS TOXICODENDRON 30—Coryza from exposure to cold, with winds and on getting wet while perspiring. Sneezing. Tip of the nose is red , sore, ulcerated and swollen
SABADILLA  6—Coryza with spasmodic sneezing. Severe frontal pains, redness and watering of eyws, sore throat beginning left side and tough mucus. Symptoms better hot food and hot drinks. Worse cold and cold drinks. No thrist
SAMBUCUS 30—Dry. Coryza of infants. Difficult breathing startles the child. Snuffles of infants
SAPONARIA  10M—It breaks up the cold, coryza and sore  throat . The patient behaves as if drunk
SOLANUM NIGRUM  30- Acute coryza , watery discharge from the right nostril, left stopped up, with a chilly sensation alternating with heat

TRITICUM REP  30—It is an excellent remedy for coryza when the patient blows his nose constantly even when the discharge does not come on each occasion 


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