Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of the female reproductive organs. PID is usually contracted through sexual contact. PID can damage the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes or other parts of the female reproductive system. It also can cause severe pain and make it difficult to become pregnant.


Possible symptoms include:

         Pain, possibly severe, especially in the pelvic area



         Bleeding or spotting between periods

         Irregular menstruation

         Pain in the lower back and the rectum

         Pain during sexual intercourse

         Unusual vaginal discharge

         Frequent urination



Many types of bacteria can cause PID, but gonorrhea or Chlamydia infections are the most common. These bacteria are usually acquired during unprotected sex.

Less commonly, bacteria can enter the reproductive tract anytime the normal barrier created by the cervix is disturbed. This can happen during menstruation and after childbirth , miscarriage or abortion. Rarely , bacteria can also enter the reproductive tract during the insertion of an intrauterine device- a form of long term birth control- or any medical procedure that involves inserting medical instruments into the uterus.

Risk factors

A number factors might increase the risk of PID, including:

         Being sexually active woman younger than 25 years oild

         Having multiple sexual partners

         Being in a sexual relationship with a person who has more than one sex partner

         Having sex without a condom

         Douching regularly, which upsets the balance of good versus harmful bacteria in the vagina and might mask symptoms

         Having a history of pelvic inflammatory disease or sexually transmitted infection


Untreated pelvic inflammatory disease might cause scar tissue and abscess to develop in the reproductive tract. These can cause permanent damage to the reproductive organs

Complications from this damage might include:

         Ectopic pregnancy:  PID is a major cause of tubal or ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy can occur when untreated PID has caused scr tissue to develop in the fallopian tubes. The scar tissue prevents the fertilized eggs from making its way through the fallopian tubes.  Instead , the egg implants in the fallopian tube. Ectopic pregnancies can cause massive, life-threatening bleeding and require emergency medical attention.

         Infertility: Damage to the reproductive organs may cause infertility-the inability to become pregnant. Delaying treatment PID also dramatically increases the risk of infertility.

         Chronic pelvic pain: Pelvic inflammatory disease can cause pelvic pain that might last for months or years. Scaring in the fallopian tubes and other pelvic organs can use pain during intercourse and ovulation.

         Tubo-ovarian abscess: PID can cause an abscess 鈥揳 collection of pus-to form in the reproductory tract. Most commonly abscess affect the fallopian tubes and ovaries , but they can also develop in the uterus or in the other pelvic organs. If an abscess is left untreated , it will develop a life-threatening infection.


PID can become a serious condition, but there are some ways to minimize the risk:

         Having regular screening, especially for those who have multiple sex partners

         Ensuring sexual partners are tested for infections and STDs

         Not douching, because this increases the risk

         Using a condom or cervical cap and practicing safe sex

         Not having sex too soon after childbirth or a termination or loss of pregnancy


Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world. It strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance  at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When pelvic inflammatory disease   is concerned there are many effective medicines available in Homoeopathy , but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient , considering mental and physical symptoms.


ARSENIC ALB: Burning in ovarian region. Pain as from red hot wires. Acrid, acrid, burning, offensive, thin leucorrhea, worse least exertion. Great weakness. Stitching pain in pelvis extending down the thigh.

KREOSOTUM:  Pain and bleeding after intercourse . Violent pain during sex, burning in parts, followed by discharge of dark blood, next day. Violent itching in labia. Leucorrhea, yellow, acrid, odor of green corn, worse between periods. Burning and soreness in external in internal parts.

LACHESIS: Ovary painful , swollen , and indurated. Ovarian and uterine pains are better after menstrual flow.

MEDORRHINUM: Chronic pelvic disorders of women. Severe menstrual colic. Menses offensive, profuse, dark, clotted, stains difficult to wash out, urinates frequently at that time. Leucorrhea thin, acrid, excoriating, fishy odor.

MERC SOL:  PID with greenish, bloody, excoriating leucorrhea. Sensation of rawness in parts. Stinging pain in ovaries. Itching and burning, worse after urinating, better washing with cold water.

PHOSPHORUS:  PID with slight hemorrhage from uterus between periods. Menses too early and scanty, but last too ling. Leucorrhea instead of menses. Profuse, smarting, corrosive, leucorrhea. Metritis.

SABINA:  Heavy menstrual bleeding. Menses too early, too profuse, gushing of hot watery, bright blood mixed with dark clots. Pain from sacrum to pubis and from below upwards.  Worse from least motion. Shooting pain up the vagina. Itching, corrosive offensive leucorrhea after menses.  Inflammation of ovaries and uterus after childbirth.







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