Housemaid’s knee or prepatellar bursitis is caused by inflammation of a small fluid- filled sac, bursa, in front of the kneecap. It more commonly occurs in people who spend long periods of time kneeling.


The main causes of housemaid’s knee are

·         A sudden, one-off, injury to the knee. For example a fall or direct blow on to the knee

·         Recurrent minor injury to the knee. This usually happens after spending long periods of time kneeling down, putting pressure on the kneecap, patella. For example housemaids who spent long periods of time on their knees scrubbing floors, hence the name housemaid’s knee

·         Infection—This is common in children with housemaid’s knee. This condition usually follows a cut, scratch or injury to the skin on the surface of the knee.  This injury allows bacteria to spread infection into the bursa. Rheumatoid arthritis  and gout patients have an increased risk of developing bursitis.


·         Pain and swelling of the affected area

·         Redness of the skin over the knee, also knee cap may be tender.

·         Difficulty in bending, kneeling and walking

·         Fever


Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world. It strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance  at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When housemaid’s knee  is concerned there are many effective medicines available in Homoeopathy , but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient , considering mental and physical symptoms.

APIS MELLIFICA 30—Apis mel is one of the effective remedies for housemaid’s knee with swollen, shiny knee, which is sensitive , sore with stinging , burning pain. Slightest touch or pressure or warmth  over the knees worsen the pain.

BRYONIA ALBA 30—Bryonia alba is another effective remedy for housemaid’s knee with pain in the knee joint gets worse by  walking and the patient feels better by taking absolute rest. The joint becomes red, hot and swollen.

ARNICA MONTANA 30—Arnica Montana is considered where housemaid’s knee occurs after an injury to the knee. There is soreness over the affected area. Knee joint suddenly bend when walking.

KALI IODATUM 30—Kali iodide is effective where severe pain and swelling occurs over the affected area, which is worse at night.

RUTA GRAVEOLENS—Ruta graveolens is prescribed where pain in knees gets worse from bending the knee joint while kneeling and while going down the stairs. Better by applying pressure on the affected knee and also from stretching the limb.

RHUS TOXICODENDRON 30---Rhus tox is effective where the housemaid’s knee joint occurs after an injury or sprain . There is pain and swelling over the area which is worse from rest and better from continued motion.

STICTA PULMONARIA 30—Sticta pul is another effective remedy for housemaid’s knee with swelling, heat, redness of the affected area. There is shooting pains in knees. Joints and neighboring muscles red, swollen and painful.

SLAG 30—Slag is prescribed where dull, heavy pain occurs over the affected area.





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