Adenomyosis  occurs when endometrial tissue, which normally lines the uterus, exists within and grows into the muscular wall of the uterus. The displaced endometrial tissue continues to act as it normally would — thickening, breaking down and bleeding — during each menstrual cycle. An enlarged uterus and painful, heavy periods can result.
Symptoms most often start late in the childbearing years after having children.
The cause of adenomyosis remains unknown, but the disease typically disappears after menopause. For women who experience severe discomfort from adenomyosis, certain treatments can help, but hysterectomy is the only cure.
Causes-The cause of adenomyosis isn't known. Expert theories about a possible cause include:
Invasive tissue growth. Some experts believe that adenomyosis results from the direct invasion of endometrial cells from the lining of the uterus into the muscle that forms the uterine walls. Uterine incisions made during an operation such as a cesarean section (C-section) may promote the direct invasion of the endometrial cells into the wall of the uterus.
Developmental origins. Other experts speculate that adenomyosis originates within the uterine muscle from endometrial tissue deposited there when the uterus first formed in the fetus.
Uterine inflammation related to childbirth. Another theory suggests a link between adenomyosis and childbirth. An inflammation of the uterine lining during the postpartum period might cause a break in the normal boundary of cells that line the uterus. Surgical procedures on the uterus may have a similar effect.
Stem cell origins. A recent theory proposes that bone marrow stem cells may invade the uterine muscle, causing adenomyosis.
Regardless of how adenomyosis develops, its growth depends on the circulating estrogen in a woman's body. When estrogen production decreases at menopause, adenomyosis eventually goes away.
Symptoms--Sometimes, adenomyosis is silent — causing no signs or symptoms — or only mildly uncomfortable. In other cases, adenomyosis may cause:
·         Heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding
·         Severe cramping or sharp, knifelike pelvic pain during menstruation (dysmenorrhea)
·         Menstrual cramps that last throughout your period and worsen as you get older
·         Pain during intercourse
·         Blood clots that pass during your period
Your uterus may get bigger. Although you might not know if your uterus is enlarged, you may notice that your lower abdomen seems bigger or feels tender.
Risk factors-Risk factors for adenomyosis include:
·         Prior uterine surgery, such as a C-section or fibroid removal
·         Childbirth
·         Middle age
Most cases of adenomyosis — which depends on estrogen — are found in women in their 40s and 50s. Adenomyosis in middle-aged women could relate to longer exposure to estrogen compared with that of younger women. Until recently, adenomyosis was most often diagnosed only when a woman had a hysterectomy. Current research suggests that the condition may also be common, but often undetected, in younger women
Complications-- Prolonged, heavy bleeding during your periods, chronic anemia may result. Anemia causes fatigue and other health problems. See your doctor if you suspect you may have anemia.
Although not harmful, the pain and excessive bleeding associated with adenomyosis can disrupt your lifestyle. You may find yourself avoiding activities that you've enjoyed in the past because you have no idea when or where you might start bleeding.
Painful periods can cause you to miss work or school and can strain relationships. Recurring pain can lead to depression, irritability, anxiety, anger and feelings of helplessness. That's why it's important to see a doctor if you suspect you may have adenomyosis.
The treatment for adenomyosis is hysterectomy. Even though the   following medicines can be tried along with constitutional drugs, that will give relief to this condition

CALCAREA CARB  200—Calcarea carb is one of the best remedies for Adenomyosis and it is suitable for fat, and flabby persons.There is a  bearing down sensation in the pelvis and a  sense of weight and soreness in the uterus. A sense of shuddering and painful pressure within the uterus.Menses too early, too long lasting, too profuse resulting in to anemia. Cutting pain in uterus during menstruation. Before menses headache, colic, chilliness and leucorrheaoccurs.The patient have a special craving for eggs and undigestable things like chalk, charcoal etc

THLASPI BURSA PASTORIS 3X—Thlaspi bursa is an excellent remedy for Adenomyosis. There is metrorrhagia, too frequent and profuse bleeding. Scarcely recovers from one period before another begins. Hemorrhage with violent uterine colic. Every alternate period very profuse. Leucorrhea before and after menses- bloody, dark, offensive, stains indelibly. Sore pain in uterus on rising

CALCAREA FLOUR  30—Calcarea flour is suitable for very hard and large fibroids in uterus

PHOSPHORUS 200—Phosphorus is excellent for tall and slender persons. Menses profuse, and bright red.  Large fibroids, myoma, and tumors in uterus. Phosphorus patients prefer ice creams and cold drinks.

FRAXINOUS AMERICANA  Q—Fraxinous Americana is another excellent remedy for Adenomyosis. Uterus enlarged, and patulous. Fibroids with bearing down sensation, cramping in feet, worse in the afternoon and night. Dysmenorrhea with profuse bleeding.The left ovary is very sensitive.

HYDRASTINUM MUR. 3X-Hydrastinum  mur is effective for Adenomyosis with  metrorrhagia , from fibroid uterus

SILICEA 200—Silicea is best for Adenomyosis with  myoma,and  uterine fibroids. There is discharge of blood  blood between menstrual periods with paroxysms of icy coldness of over whole body.

AURUM MURIATICUM NATRONATUM  3X—Aurum muriaticum natronatum is the most similar remedy for adenomyosis. Uterus fills up whole pelvis.


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