An ear infection (acute otitis media) is most often a bacterial or viral infection that affects the middle ear, the air-filled space behind the eardrum that contains the tiny vibrating bones of the ear. Children are more likely than adults to get ear infections.
Ear infections frequently are painful because of inflammation and buildup of fluids in the middle ear.
Because ear infections often clear up on their own, treatment may begin with managing pain and monitoring the problem.  Long-term problems related to ear infections — persistent fluids in the middle ear, persistent infections or frequent infections — can cause hearing problems and other serious complications.
Causes-- An ear infection is caused by a bacterium or virus in the middle ear. This infection often results from another illness — cold, flu or allergy — that causes congestion and swelling of the nasal passages, throat and eustachian tubes.
Symptoms-- The onset of signs and symptoms of ear infection is usually rapid.
Signs and symptoms common in children include:
·         Ear pain, especially when lying down
·         Tugging or pulling at an ear
·         Difficulty sleeping
·         Crying more than usual
·         Acting more irritable than usual
·         Difficulty hearing or responding to sounds
·         Loss of balance
·         Fever of 100 F (38 C) or higher
·         Drainage of fluid from the ear
·         Headache
·         Loss of appetite
Common signs and symptoms in adults include:
·         Ear pain
·         Drainage of fluid from the ear
·         Diminished hearing
Risk factors-- Risk factors for ear infections include:
Age. Children between the ages of 6 months and 2 years are more susceptible to ear infections because of the size and shape of their eustachian tubes and because of their poorly developed immune systems.
Group child care. Children cared for in group settings are more likely to get colds and ear infections than are children who stay home because they're exposed to more infections, such as the common cold.
Infant feeding. Babies who drink from a bottle, especially while lying down, tend to have more ear infections than do babies who are breast-fed.
Seasonal factors. Ear infections are most common during the fall and winter when colds and flu are prevalent. People with seasonal allergies may have a greater risk of ear infections during seasonal high pollen counts.
Poor air quality. Exposure to tobacco smoke or high levels of air pollution can increase the risk of ear infection.
Complications-- Most ear infections don't cause long-term complications. Frequent or persistent infections and persistent fluid buildup can result in some serious complications:
Impaired hearing. Mild hearing loss that comes and goes is fairly common with an ear infection, but it usually returns to what it was before the infection after the infection clears. Persistent infection or persistent fluids in the middle ear may result in more significant hearing loss. If there is some permanent damage to the eardrum or other middle ear structures, permanent hearing loss may occur.
Speech or developmental delays. If hearing is temporarily or permanently impaired in infants and toddlers, they may experience delays in speech, social and developmental skills.
Spread of infection. Untreated infections or infections that don't respond well to treatment can spread to nearby tissues. Infection of the mastoid, the bony protrusion behind the ear, is called mastoiditis. This infection can result in damage to the bone and the formation of pus-filled cysts. Rarely, serious middle ear infections spread to other tissues in the skull, including the brain or the membranes surrounding the brain (meningitis).
Tearing of the eardrum. Most eardrum tears heal within 72 hours. In some cases, surgical repair is needed.
Well selected Homoeopathic remedies are effective for the treatment of middle ear infection and prevent further complications.

BELLADONNA 30- Belladonna is one of the effective remedies for ear infection with fever and pain. The middle ear is hot and painful.Due to pain the child cries out in sleep. Also the pain causes delirium.

CALCAREA  SULPH 30-Calcarea sulph is an excellent remedy for ear infection with offensive and purulent discharge. Here the discharge is thick yellow with bloody pus.

PULSATILLA NIGRICANS 30-—Pulsatilla is best for ear infection with green coloured discharge. Pulsatilla is prescribed where the discharge is thick, profuse, bland and offensive

MERC. SOL 30-Merc sol is an effective medicine for the suppuration of middle ear where the discharge is profuse, thick, acrid and offensive. Sometimes the pus is blood stained.

HEPAR SULPH 30-Hepar sulph is best for ear infection with shooting pain along with pus.The patient is oversensitive to touch or wind. There is chance for perforation in the ear due to infection.

SILICEA 30-Silicea is another best remedy for ear infection, especially chronic cases , where the pus is offensive and thick green yellow in color. Silicea can absorb the pus. The ear drum is perforated and there is roaring and hissing sounds in the ear.

KALI MUR 30-Kali mur is best for middle ear infection where the discharge where the ear discharges are white in colour.

TELLURIUM MET 6- Tellurium is effective for middle ear infection where the discharge is acrid and offensive and smell like fishy. There is itching , swelling and throbbing in the meatus.

PSORINUM 200-Psorinum is best for ear infection and it should be tried when well selected remedies fail. The discharge is offensive, purulent, and yellow in color.There is intolerable itching in ears.

CAPSICUM ANNUM 200- Capsicum is effective for chronic infection of middle ear. The discharge is thick, yellow with itching and burning in ears.The ear drum is perforated. There is painful swelling on the bone behind ear, worse from touch.

ASAFOETIDA 30- Asafoetida is best for ear infection with offensive pus like discharge. There is boring pain in the mastoid bone.


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