Laryngitis is an inflammation of your voice box (larynx) from overuse, irritation or infection.
Inside the larynx are your vocal cords — two folds of mucous membrane covering muscle and cartilage. Normally, your vocal cords open and close smoothly, forming sounds through their movement and vibration.
But in laryngitis, your vocal cords become inflamed or irritated. This swelling causes distortion of the sounds produced by air passing over them. As a result, your voice sounds hoarse. In some cases of laryngitis, your voice can become almost undetectable.
Laryngitis may be short-lived (acute) or long lasting (chronic). Most cases of laryngitis are triggered by a temporary viral infection or vocal strain and aren't serious. Persistent hoarseness can sometimes signal a more serious underlying medical condition.

Causes --Most cases of laryngitis are temporary and improve after the underlying cause gets better. Causes of acute laryngitis include:-Viral infections similar to those that cause a cold, Vocal strain, caused by yelling or overusing your voice, Bacterial infections, such as diphtheria, although this is rare, in large part due to increasing rates of vaccination

Chronic laryngitis
Laryngitis that lasts longer than three weeks is known as chronic laryngitis. This type of laryngitis is generally caused by exposure to irritants over time. Chronic laryngitis can cause vocal cord strain and injuries or growths on the vocal cords (polyps or nodules). These injuries can be caused by:-Inhaled irritants, such as chemical fumes, allergens or smoke, Acid reflux, also called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Chronic sinusitis, Excessive alcohol use, Habitual overuse of your voice (such as with singers or cheerleaders), Smoking
Less common causes of chronic laryngitis include:-Bacterial or fungal infections, Infections with certain parasites
Other causes of chronic hoarseness include:-Cancer, Vocal cord paralysis, which can result from injury, stroke, a lung tumor or other health conditions,
Bowing of the vocal cords in old age
Symptoms -n most cases laryngitis symptoms last less than a couple of weeks and are caused by something minor, such as a virus. Less often, laryngitis symptoms are caused by something more serious or long lasting. Laryngitis signs and symptoms can include:-Hoarseness, Weak voice or voice lossTickling sensation and rawness of your throat, Sore throat, Dry throat, Dry cough
ACONITUM NAPELLUS 30- Recent  laryngitis with irritating , hacking cough. Restlessness, anxiety and fever. If there is no improvement within 6 hours , select another remedy
ALLIUM CEPA 30- Hoarse, harsh, ringing , spasmodic cough, excited by constant tickling in the larynx with a raw splitting pain. Severe laryngeal cough
ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM 30- laryngitis of singers.Loss of voice , improves by heat or wrapping a warm cloth around the neck
ARGENTUM NITRICUM 30-Loss of voice from too much singing and shouting. Hoarseness . He is better in fresh air. Raising the voice causes cough
ARESNICUM ALB 30- Dry, hoarse cough with burning pains
BELLADONNA 30- Acute laryngitis. Deep red throat, painful on talking
CALCAREA CARB. 30- Chronic laryngitis in fat persons
CAUSTICUM 30- Dry, raw throat with violent cough, which may cause leakage of urine involuntarily. Mucus drops at the back of the nose and is so copious that it becomes difficult to speak. Occasionally loss of voice may be quite painless
HEPAR SULPHURIUS 30- When cough becomes loose and there is still hoarseness. Pain extends from ear to ear
KALIBICHROMICUM 30-Cough with sticky, yellow mucus and hoarseness. Chronic laryngitis
MANGANUM 30-In dry hoarse cough
MENTHOLINUM 30- It is curative for laryngitis
NATRIUM SEL. 30- Chronic laryngitis and laryngeal phthisis. Hoarseness of singers. Expectorates small lumps of mucus with frequent clearing of throat
PHOSPHORUS 30-Larynx very painful. Hoarseness , worse in the evening. Violent tickling in the larynx while speaking. Laryngitis with dry, tickly cough and hoarseness. Talking hurts
SAMBUCUS NIGRA 30- Accumulation of viscid mucus in larynx. Hoarseness. Suffocative , deep cough with agitation and thirst. Sibiliant whezzing
SPONGIA 30-Barking cough and hoarseness . Burning and tickling in the larynx


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