Bedsores — also called pressure sores or pressure ulcers — are injuries to skin and underlying tissue resulting from prolonged pressure on the skin. Bedsores most often develop on skin that covers bony areas of the body, such as the heels, ankles, hips and tailbone.
People most at risk of bedsores are those with a medical condition that limits their ability to change positions, requires them to use a wheelchair or confines them to a bed for a long time.
Causes - Bedsores are caused by pressure against the skin that limits blood flow to the skin and nearby tissues. Other factors related to limited mobility can make the skin vulnerable to damage and contribute to the development of pressure sores. Three primary contributing factors are:
Sustained pressure. When your skin and the underlying tissues are trapped between bone and a surface such as a wheelchair or a bed, the pressure may be greater than the pressure of the blood flowing in the tiny vessels (capillaries) that deliver oxygen and other nutrients to tissues. Without these essential nutrients, skin cells and tissues are damaged and may eventually die.
This kind of pressure tends to happen in areas that aren't well-padded with muscle or fat and that lie over a bone, such as your spine, tailbone, shoulder blades, hips, heels and elbows.
Friction. Friction is the resistance to motion. It may occur when the skin is dragged across a surface, such as when you change position or a care provider moves you. The friction may be even greater if the skin is moist. Friction may make fragile skin more vulnerable to injury.
Shear. Shear occurs when two surfaces move in the opposite direction. For example, when a hospital bed is elevated at the head, you can slide down in bed. As the tailbone moves down, the skin over the bone may stay in place — essentially pulling in the opposite direction. This motion may injure tissue and blood vessels, making the site more vulnerable to damage from sustained pressure.
Symptoms-Bedsores fall into one of four stages based on their severity. The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, a professional organization that promotes the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers, defines each stage as follows:
Stage I
The beginning stage of a pressure sore has the following characteristics:The skin is not broken.The skin appears red on people with lighter skin color, and the skin doesn't briefly lighten (blanch) when touched. On people with darker skin, the skin may show discoloration, and it doesn't blanch when touched.. The site may be tender, painful, firm, soft, warm or cool compared with the surrounding skin.
Stage II
At stage II:The outer layer of skin (epidermis) and part of the underlying layer of skin (dermis) is damaged or lost.The wound may be shallow and pinkish or red.The wound may look like a fluid-filled blister or a ruptured blister.
Stage III
At stage III, the ulcer is a deep wound:The loss of skin usually exposes some fat.The ulcer looks crater-like.The bottom of the wound may have some yellowish dead tissue.The damage may extend beyond the primary wound below layers of healthy skin.
Stage IV
A stage IV ulcer shows large-scale loss of tissue:The wound may expose muscle, bone or tendons.The bottom of the wound likely contains dead tissue that's yellowish or dark and crusty.The damage often extends beyond the primary wound below layers of healthy skin.
ARGENTUM NITRICUM 30-Centre covered with dry bloody crusts
ARNICA MONTANA 30- Generally indicated in bed sores when the patient is confines to a bed for a long time and feels bruised all over before ulceration.  Especially suited  for bed sores on hips and sacral region
BAPTISIA TIC 30-Bed sores especially during typhoid fever
CROTALUS HOR 30- From degraded state of the blood
LACHESIS 200- With blue edges in typhoid
SULPHUR 200- Turn to gangrenous sores, gnawing pain
Externally Calendula Q should be applied either in crude or diluted form


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