Neuritis, inflammation   of one or more nerves. Neuritis can be caused by injury, infection, or autoimmune disease. The characteristic symptoms include  pain  and tenderness, impaired sensation, often with numbness or hypersensitivity, impaired strength and reflexes, and abnormal circulation and decreased ability to sweat in the distribution of the inflamed nerve  or nerves. Although the termneuritis is sometimes used interchangeably with neuropathy , the latter is an often painful condition that is associated generally with nerve damage, dysfunction, or degeneration rather than with inflammation alone. In some instances neuritis can progress to neuropathy. One of the more common forms of the condition is optic neuritis  .
Neuritis can affect one nerve (mononeuritis) or a plexus of nerves (plexitis). When several single nerves are affected simultaneously, the condition may be referred to as mononeuritis  multiplex. When widely separated nerves are affected, it is known as polyneuritis. The symptoms of neuritis are usually confined to a specific portion of the body served by the inflamed nerve or nerves.
Inflammations of sensory neurons in a nerve fibre cause sensations of tingling, burning, or stabbing pains that usually are worse at night and are aggravated by touch or temperature change. The inflammation of motor neurons causes symptoms ranging from muscle weakness to complete paralysis. Muscles in the area served by the affected nerve lose tone, become tender, and may atrophy. Bell palsy, which causes a characteristic distortion of the muscles on one side of the face, is a form of mononeuritis and is caused by the inflammation of a facial nerve (the condition is sometimes also described as a form of mononeuropathy).

ACONITUM  NAP. 30- Sudden inflammation of the nerves  due to anxiety or fear worse with noise and light
 ANANTHERUM MURIATICUM 30- Cured root neuritis
APIS MEL. 30- Optic neuritis in the first stage
ARGENTUM NITRICUM  NIT 30-. Inflammation of nerves. Loss of control and want of balance  anywhere – mental and physical
BELLADONNA 30- Severe throbbing headache with flushed face. Better by cold application ot by keeping the head high
BELLIS PER. 30- Due to injury to nerves with intense soreness and intolerance  to cold bathing
CIMCIFUGA RACEMOSA 30- Inflammation  of nerves  due to reflex disorders
GLONOINUM 30 – Inflammation of nerves due to heat of sun. Better by motion and uncovering the head. Pulsations all over the body
HYPERICUM PERF. 3X- Crushing injuries to the nerves sheaths of the spine and other nerves causing tearing , burning and stinging pains
HYOSCYAMOUS NIG. 30- Cerebral inflammation with pulsating waves through the head, better by shaking the head and sitting with head bent forward – opposite of Belladonna
ALUMINA SILICATE 30- Neuritis with numbness of painful parts
MAGNESIA PHOS 30- Congestion of the brain when diarrhea has ceased suddenly . Neuralgia and rheumatic headache . Better by pressure and warmth , worse in and by cold
KALI PHOS 6X- An excellent nerve tonic
RANUNCULUS BULB. 30- Interstitial neuritis. Sensitive to air and touch
THALLIUM 30- Horrible, neuralgic , spasmodic  shooting pain. Pains like electric shocks
ARNICA MONTANA 30- Due to injury. This remedy seems to have a selective affinity in relieving terminal nerve pain and the soreness and bruiseness
RHUS TOXICODENDRON 30-Pain along the ulnar nerve.   It has tearing, drawing and shooting pains. Exposure neuritis –or that due to over exertion coupled with exposure finds in it a curative remedy. It also suits the gouty form. General Rhus symptoms such as amelioration by motion and aggravation from coldness and dampness will present
ARSENICUM ALB. 30--It-is a powerful remedy in neuritis and its best field seems to be in multiple neuritis of a severe type, with the characteristic symptoms of burning worse at night and relief by heat. It will suit especially the broken down constitutions, anaemic conditions and irritability so often accompaniments of multiple
CARBURETUM SULPHURIS 30- A good remedy for neuritis especially sciatic variety neuritis.


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