ACTEA RACEMOSA 30- A general remedy for pregnancy. Pain shoots across abdomen and the patient doubles with pain . It may be given 3 to 4 months before the expected day of delivery. It checks false labour pains and ensures living bith. It is useful for women habitually gives to dead babies. For this should be given 6 or 7 months before delivery

PULSATILLA 1M- Insufficient labor pains. Hemorrhage after delivery.Pains after delayed and strenuous delivery. To avoid false labour  pains and to ensure safe delivery. It corrects the position of the child in right position in the womb. Lochia scanty

ACONITUM NAPELLUS 30-Contractions feel violent and intense, producing a state of fear and anxiety. Restless, agitated and fearful that may die. Baby appears shocked and frightened after birth.
ARNICA MONTANA 30-– Feel bruised, sore, as if beaten during labour. Don’t want people to touch. Relieves soft tissue damage (perineum or abdomen) following birth or caesarian section – reduces swelling, bruising, and risk of infection, and promotes healing. Useful for caput or cephalohaematoma of newborn.
ARSENICUM ALBUM 30-– Anxious restlessness leading to physical exhaustion. Chilly with anxiety. Perineal infections following childbirth.
BELLIS PERENNIS 30-– For bruised, sore pelvic or abdominal tissues following birth or Caesarean section. Bellis often follows well after Arnica, or when Arnica fails to relieve the discomfort or pain.
CAULOPHYLLUM 30-– False labour where pains fly about the abdomen. Rigid cervix with pricking pains – cervix fails to dilate. Contractions become irregular and cease.
CHAMOMILLA 200-–  The pains are unbearable, even early in the labour. Extremely irritable or angry. No matter what is offered or done, it is not right. Hands and feet cold.
GELSEMIUM 200- – Weakness and exhaustion – difficult to support weight. Muscles tremble with the effort of movement. Contractions weaken and cease.
HYPERICUM PER 30-– Shooting nerve pains following perineal damage or caesarian section.
KALI BICHROMICUM 200-– Irregular contractions. Pain of contractions felt mainly in the back (ie – with posterior postion babies). Feels as if back may break, much better for firm pressure. Fearful of dying.
KALI PHOSPHORICUM 30– Physical exhaustion either during or after labour where few other symptoms may be present (compare with Ars).
PYROGEN 200– Not likely to be needed but an important remedy if a post-partum infection in the uterus develops following childbirth. Rapidly resolves sepsis. May be used for its protective effect against infection of mother or baby if the membranes have been ruptured for a long time before the onset of labour, especially if a temperature develops.
STAPHYSAGRIA 200-– Useful following incision, penetration, or stretching of muscle fibres, as happens with a Caesarean sections or dilatation and curettage (d&c). It encourages the quick healing of incisional or lacerated wounds. Relieves the feelings of anger, resentment, disappointment, and emotional upset that may follow a Caesarean birth.


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