Allergic conjunctivitis  is inflammation  of the conjunctiva  (the membrane  covering the white part of the eye) due to allergy. Although allergens differ among patients, the most common cause is fever Symptoms consist of redness (mainly due tovasodilation  of the peripheral small blood vessels)edema (swelling) of the conjunctiva  itching , and increased lachrymation  (production of tears). If this is combined with rhinitis, the condition is termed allergic rhinoconjunctivitis.
The symptoms are due to release of histamine and other active substances by mast cells , which stimulate dilation of blood vessels, irritatenerve endings , and increase secretion of tears.
APIS MEL 30-When a lot of burning and stinging is present in the eyes, Apis Mel is one of the best homeopathic medicines for allergic conjunctivitis. There is stinging pain as if a honey bee had stung the parts. This is the defining characteristic of this medicine. There is lot of oedema in and around the eyes. The eyelids swell and puff up. There is hot lachrymation or watery discharge from the eyes. The patient is usually thirstless. All the troubles are worse from heat in any form, whether in summer weather or going out in the sun.
EUPHRASIA OFF. 30--When there is acrid discharge from the eyes, Euphrasia is one of the best homeopathic medicines for allergic conjunctivitis. There is watery discharge from both nose and eyes but the discharge from nose is bland. This means that it does not cause any burning in the nose. But the discharge from the eyes is acrid and burns the skin where it touches. There is burning pain in the eyes itself. The eyes tend to water all the time though the problem becomes worse in the evening. The patient feels slightly better in open air. There is frequent inclination to blink the eyes. A peculiar symptom seen in some females is that there may be amenorrhea with the eye symptoms
ARGENTU NITRICUM 30-When there is purulent discharge from the eyes, Argentum Nitricum is one of the best homeopathic medicines for allergic conjunctivitis. There is photophobia or aversion to light. This photophobia is more pronounced in a warm room. Splinter like pains may be felt in the eyes. There is swelling of the conjunctiva. There is profuse discharge from the eyes which is purulent. The patient is fond of sweets. Flatulence in the stomach and abdomen often accompany the problems. There may be excessive belching.
RUTA GRAVEOLENS 30--When there is a sensation that there is a foreign body or some dust particles in the eye, Ruta is one of the best homeopathic medicines for allergic conjunctivitis. There is constant irritation in the eye and one feels that there is something that has got stuck in the eye. One is unable to get rid of this sensation though there is no foreign body in the eye. The eyes are red, hot and painful
PULSATILLA 30-When there is relief from any cold application or washing with cold water, Pulsatilla is one of the best homeopathic medicines for allergic conjunctivitis. There is thick yellowish discharge from the eyes. Eyes itch and burn. The eyelids seem agglutinated. The patient is usually thirstless. There is aggravation from heat or in summers.
EXTERNAL APPLICATION—Instill 3 drops of Euphrasia eye lotion in to the eye 4 times daily


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