Barber’s itch is an
inflammatory condition of hair follicles in the beard area of the face. It is
usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria and becomes aggravated by
shaving or rough fabrics. Barber’s itch is a variation of Folliculitis , the
general term used for infection of the hair follicles.
The infection is usually
characterized by small –white pus filled pimples around the tiny pockets of one
or more hair follicles. It is usually mild, however itching can be uncomfortable
and embarrassing . On some occasions it is painful too.
Mild folliculitis clears
up on its own within a few days . However, severe infection may cause scarring
and permanent loss of hair. Deep recurring infection might require medical
Usually , barber’s itch is caused by a Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. The
bacterial invasion mostly occurs the hair follicles damaged. Damaged hair
follicles can be caused by the following—1. Excessive clothing or tight
clothing. 2. Excessive sweating.
Barber’s itch usually marked by an itchy , small white pus- filled
pimples in the beard area of the face. It usually occurs when men begin shaving
that causes scarring and makes the skin susceptible to bacterial invasion and
infection. Small pustules appear at
first on the upper lip , chin and jaw, then become more prevalent as shaving
continues .
Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world. It strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When Barber’s itch is concerned there are many effective medicines available in Homoeopathy , but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient , considering mental and physical symptoms.
Homoeopathic remedies are effective for the treatment of Barber’s itch.
Some of the important remedies are given below.
CALCAREA SULPHURICA 30—Calcarea sulph is one of the top remedies for Barber’s itch , where
many pimples under the hair, bleeding when scratched. The beard covered with yellow scabs. Pustular
eruptions on face, discharging yellow, purulent pus.
CICUTA VIROSA 30—Cicuta virosa is prescribed, when Barber’s
itch occurs after shaving. Pustules which run together forming thick, yellow
scabs on face, corners of mouth and chin with burning pain. The exudation forms
a hard, lemon colored crust.
GRAPHITES 30-Graphites is another important remedy for
Barber’s itch with pimples in the beard, around mouth and chin, which is moist
and oozes a sticky fluid. Moist crusty eruptions. Burning and stinging pain in
the eruptions. Falling of hair from the beard
LITHIUM CARBONICUM 30—Lithium carb is prescribed for Barber’s itch
with scabby, tottery, eruptions on cheeks , preceded by red, raw, skin. Dull
itch ending in itching. Both cheeks are covered with dry, bran- like scales.
PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA 30—Phytolacca dec is prescribed when pale or
dark red inflamed eruptions appeared in
the beard with itching. Worse from washing. The skin of cheeks becomes dry,
harsh and shriveled.
PETROLEUM 200—Petroleum is indicated for Barber’s itch,
where the skin is dry, sensitive, rough and cracked. The cracks bleed easily.
Worse in winter season.
RHUS TOXICODENDRON 30—Rhus toxicodendron is prescribed for
Barber’s itch where beard area is covered with moist eruptions with thick scabs
with itching. Pus erodes the hair. Itching worse from sweating, also from
rubbing the eruptions. Better from washing with hot water.
SULPHUR IODIDE 3x—Sulphur iodide is an excellent remedy for
barber’s itch, where papular eruptions are seen on face. Hair feels as if
TELLURIUM 200—Tellurium is effective for Barber’s itch
with ring worm like eruptions. Offensive odor from the affected part. Also
stinging pain on the affected part.
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