Vaginal itching is an uncomfortable and sometimes painful symptom that occurs due to irritating substances , infections, or menopause. It may also occur as a result of a certain skin disorders or sexually transmitted diseases. In rare cases vaginal itching might develop due to stress or vulvar cancer.
Some of the possible causes of vaginal itching :
IRRITANTS—Exposing the vagina to irritating chemicals can cause vaginal itching. These irritants may trigger an allergic reaction that creates an itchy rash over various areas of the body, including vagina. Common chemical irritants include :
·         Soap
·         Bubble baths
·         Feminine sprays
·         Douches
·         Topical contraceptives
·         Creams
·         Ointments
·         Detergents
·         Fabric softeners
·         Scented toilet paper
YEAST INFECTION—Yeast is a naturally occurring fungus that is normally present in the vagina. It usually does not cause problems, but when its growth unchecked , an uncomfortable infection can result. This infection is known as vaginal yeast infection. It is a very common condition , affecting 3 out of 4 women in their lives.
This infection often occurs taking a course of antibiotics, as thse types of medications can destroy good bacteria along with the bad bacteria. The good bacteria are needed to keep yeast growth in check.
The overgrowth of yeast in the vagina can result in uncomfortable symptoms, including itching, burning and lumpy discharge.
BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS—Like vaginal yeast infection Bacterial vaginosis is triggered by an imbalance between naturally occurring good and bad bacteria in the vagina. The condition does not always cause symptoms. When symptoms do appear they typically include vaginal itching and an abnormal vaginal discharge, it may be dull gray or white, in some cases foamy.
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE—Numerous STD’s can be transmitted during unprotected sexual intercourse and cause itching in the vagina. These include :
·         Chlamydia
·         Genital warts
·         Gonorrhea
·         Genital herpes
·         Trichomoniasis
These conditions can cause additional symptoms , including abnormal growths, green or yellow vaginal discharge, and pain while urinating.
MENOPAUSE—Women are going through menopause or who have already done so are more at risk for vaginal discharge. This is due to the reduction of estrogen levels that occur during menopause, which leads to vaginal atrophy. This is a thinning of the mucosa that can lead to excessive dryness. The dryness can cause itching and dryness.
STRESS—Physical and emotional stress can cause vaginal itching and irritation, though this is not very common. It might occur when stress weakens immune system , which leads to infections that cause itching.
VULVAR CANCER—In rare cases vaginal itching may be a symptom of vulvar cancer. Vulvar cancer may not always cause symptoms. However, when symptoms do occur, they may include itching, abnormal bleeding, or pain in the vulvar area.
SKIN DISEASES—Some skin diseases , such as eczema and psoriasis, can cause redness and itching in the genital area.
DIABETES & URINARY INCONTINENCE—Diabetes and urinary incontinence also cause vainal irritation and itching.
Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world. It strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance  at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When vaginal itching   is concerned there are many effective medicines available in Homoeopathy , but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient , considering mental and physical symptoms.

AMBRA GESIA—Viginal itching due to hormonal imbalance. -Violent vaginal itching with swelling. Itching with soreness and swelling. Profuse bluish leucorrhea. Itching in labia. Worse at night,. The sexual desire is increased.
CALADIUM—Severe itching of vulva and vagina. Itching leading to masturbation, with burning.
CALCAREA CARBONICUM ---Itching and burning in vagina, worse before and after menses and evening. Itching and pressing in the vagina. Leucorrhea with burning and itching. Milky leucorrhea. Along with this the constitutional symptoms of calcarea carb—Profuse sweat of whole body, especially head, chilly, sensitive to cold, fatty, desire for egg are present.
CONIUM MACULATUM--Severe vaginal itching. Itching deep in vagina. Itching worse after menses. Shooting pain in vagina and a sensation as of bearing down. Burning, corrosive, and pungent leucorrhea.
FAGOPYRUM ESCULENTUM--—Severe itching of vulva and vagina. Yellow discharges. Worse at rest. Itching better  by cold water.
GRAPHITES—Intense vaginal itching , worse after menses. Vesicles and pimples on vulva. Excoriation on the vulva. Soreness of vagina. Itching with leucorrhea. White, watery like leucorrhea.
HELONIAS ---Apthous inflammation of vulva. Foul, lumpy, or curdled discharge. Parts swollen , red , burn and itch terribly.
KREOSOTUM. –Severe itching within the vagina. Itching, burning and swelling of labia. Violent itching between labia and thighs. Violent itching of vulva and vagina, worse when urinating. Violent pain during sex, burning in parts, followed by discharge of dark blood, next day. Gushing leucorrhea like bloody water, which is offensive, corrosive and staining the linen yellow.
MERC SOL---Vaginal itching with severe burning. Itching , smarting, corroding, burning after scratching with leucorrhea. Leucorrhea worse at night. Purulent, corrosive , greenish leucorrhea. Itching of genitals worse from contact of urine.
NATRUM MURIATICUM—Dry vagina with severe itching. Burning and smarting in vagina. Itching after menses. Itching of genital parts with falling off of hair. Pimples like eruptions on external genitals with itching. Burning, smarting and itching after urination.
NITRIC ACID—Itching, burning and sensation of dryness in vulva. Violent stitches in vagina. Stitches up vagina, or from without inward, when walking in open air. Great falling off of hair of genitals. Fetid, mucous, reddish- brown, corrosive leucorrhea.
OOPHORINUM—Intense itching of vagina. Itching better for a short time after menses.
PULSATILLA NIGRICANS---Milky, thick, cream –like discharge. Burning  and itching in labia, vulva, and vagina.
SEPIA—Intense itching in vagina with leucorrhea. Leucorrhea yellow, greenish , milky in large lumps with much itching. Severe itching in vulva causing abortion. Stitching pain up in vagina from uterus to navel.  Burning in vagina , and labia swollen. Bearing down sensation in pelvic region.
SULPHUR—Terrible itching of vagina. Continues to scratch, until the parts bleed.  Itching, burning and soreness, worse  sitting. Sore feeling in vagina during sex. Leucorrhea burning and excoriating.
THUJA OCCIDENTALIS—Profuse, thick, greenish discharge. Vagina very sensitive. Itching , burning and soreness in vulva and vagina. Ulcers are seen in vulva and vagina. Erosion of cervix.


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