Neck is made up of vertebrae that extend from the skull to the upper torso. Cervical discs absorb shock between the bones.
The bones , ligaments, and muscles of the neck support the head and allow for motion. Any abnormalities , inflammation, or injury can cause neck pain or stiffness.
Neck pain is a common complaint. Neck muscles can be strained from poor posture — whether it's leaning over the computer or hunching over the  workbench. Osteoarthritis also is a common cause of neck pain.
Rarely, neck pain can be a symptom of a more serious problem. When  neck pain is accompanied by numbness or loss of strength in the arms or hands or  have  a shooting pain into the  shoulder or down the  arm, it is considered a serious problem


Your neck is flexible and supports the weight of your head, so it can be vulnerable to injuries and conditions that cause pain and restrict motion. Neck pain causes include:
·         Muscle strains. Overuse, such as too many hours hunched over your computer or smartphone, often triggers muscle strains. Even minor things, such as reading in bed or gritting your teeth, can strain neck muscles.
·         Worn joints. Just like the other joints in your body, your neck joints tend to wear down with age. Osteoarthritis causes the cushions (cartilage) between your bones (vertebrae) to deteriorate. Your body then forms bone spurs that affect joint motion and cause pain.
·         Nerve compression. Herniated disks or bone spurs in the vertebrae of your neck can press on the nerves branching out from the spinal cord.
·         Injuries. Rear-end auto collisions often result in whiplash injury, which occurs when the head is jerked backward and then forward, straining the soft tissues of the neck.
·         Diseases. Certain diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, meningitis or cancer, can cause neck pain.


Signs and symptoms include:
·         Pain that's often worsened by holding your head in one place for long periods, such as when driving or working at a computer
·         Muscle tightness and spasms
·         Decreased ability to move your head
·         Headache


Most neck pain is associated with poor posture combined with age-related wear and tear. To help prevent neck pain, keep your head centered over your spine. Some simple changes in your daily routine may help. Consider trying to:
·         Use good posture. When standing and sitting, be sure your shoulders are in a straight line over your hips and your ears are directly over your shoulders.
·         Take frequent breaks. If you travel long distances or work long hours at your computer, get up, move around and stretch your neck and shoulders.
·         Adjust your desk, chair and computer so that the monitor is at eye level. Knees should be slightly lower than hips. Use your chair's armrests.
·         Avoid tucking the phone between your ear and shoulder when you talk. Use a headset or speakerphone instead.
·         If you smoke, quit. Smoking can put you at higher risk of developing neck pain.
·         Avoid carrying heavy bags with straps over your shoulder. The weight can strain your neck.
·         Sleep in a good position. Your head and neck should be aligned with your body. Use a small pillow under your neck. Try sleeping on your back with your thighs elevated on pillows, which will flatten your spinal muscles.

Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental , emotional , spiritual and physical levels. When neck pain  is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient , considering the mental and physical symptoms.

RHUS TOXICODENDRON 30- Rhus tox is one of the most effective remedy for neck pain with stiffness. Neck pain from over lifting,overuse, from strain ,  injury to neck muscles and from sleeping wrong. Pain better from moving the neck to a comfortable position , and worse from rest. Stiff neck with painful tension when moving. Neck pain with pain between shoulders on swallowing . The spinal membranes inflamed from getting wet or sleeping on damp ground.

ACTEA RACEMOSA 30-Actea racemosa is another  excellent remedy for neck pain with marked stiffness.  There is stiffness and contraction in back and neck muscles. Rheumatic pain in muscles of back and neck.  Stiff neck, pain worse sensitive worse pressure, which causes nausea and retching. Due neck pain the head is drawn back. Nec pain from cervical spondylosis. Neck pain  worse from cold and better from warmth

ARNICA MONTANA 30—Arnica Montana is indicated for neck pain resulting from injury, fall, blows and overstraining of neck muscles. Neck feels sore and aches, worse over lifting. Muscles of neck weak, head falls backwards or any side. Cervical vertebrae tender.

DULCAMARA 30- Dulcamara is effective for neck pain with stiffness. There is stiffness and lameness across neck and shoulders  after getting cold and wet. The entire spine is sensitive.

LACHNANTES 30-Lachnantes  is considered one of the top remedies for neck pain. The patient experiences stiffness of neck, head drawn to one side.  Pain in nape as if dislocated.

GUAIACUM 30—Guaiacum is best for neck pain with stiffness. Pain from head to neck. Aching in nape. Stiff neck and sore shoulders. Stitches between scapulae to occiput. Contractive pain between scapulae. One sided stiffness of back from neck to sacrum.
KALMIA LATIFOLIA 30—Kalmia is indicated , where the pain extending from neck to arms and fingers. Pains along the ulnar nerve, goes into third or fourth fingers. There is weakness, numbness, pricking and a sense of coldness in arms. Neck sore and tender to touch. Worse from motion and at night.

CALCAREA CARB 30-Calcarea carb is another excellent medicine for neck pain .There is stiffness and rigidity in nape of neck. Pain in  neck on turning head as if  a tumour would protrude there. Another important symptom is rheumatic pain in upper cervical vertebrae  with stiff neck especially  strain from over lifting.

ARSENICUM ALB. 30-Arsenicum alb is another top remedy for torticollis. Neck stiff as if bruised or sprained. Neuralgic pains on left side of neck .Cervical glands enlarged feel like a series of hard nodules under skin.

BRYONIA ALB 30- Painful stiffness in nape of back, from hard water and sudden changes of weather. Pain worse from motion and better from rest.

 BELLADONNA 30-    Painful swelling and stiffness of nape of neck, with cloudiness of head.  Inflammation and swelling of glands of neck and of back part of throat.  In coughing, violent pressing pain in nape of neck,as if it would break, worse bending head backward
GELSEMIUM 30—Pain in neck, especially upper sternocleido muscles. Neck feels bruised, unable to hold the neck. Gelsemium is indicated for neck pain with head ache. There is chilliness up and the down back.

PARIS QUADRIFOLIA 30—Paris quadrifolia is indicated for violent pain on both sides of neck extending down to fingers, worse from mental exertion. Fingers feel numb.  The person feels weight and weariness in nape of neck and across shoulders.

SULPHUR 200- Cracking in cervical vertebrae , especially on bending backward. The patient felt stiffness in `neck or back, sensation as if vertebrae were gliding on over the other when turning in bed.


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