Excessive sweating is when you sweat more than you might expect based on the surrounding temperature or your activity level or stress. Excessive sweating can disrupt daily activities and cause social anxiety or embarrassment.
Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis  can affect your entire body or just certain areas, particularly your palms, soles, underarms or face. The type that typically affects the hands and feet causes at least one episode a week, during waking hours.
If heavy sweating has no underlying medical cause, it's called primary hyperhidrosis. This type occurs when the nerves responsible for triggering your sweat glands become overactive and call for more perspiration even when it's not needed. Primary hyperhidrosis may be at least partially hereditary.
If the sweating can be attributed to an underlying medical condition, it's called secondary hyperhidrosis.
Health conditions that may cause excessive sweating include:
·         Diabetic hypoglycemia
·         Endocarditis (an infection of the inner lining of the heart)
·         Fever of undetermined cause
·         Generalized anxiety disorder
·         Heart attack
·         Heat exhaustion
·         HIV/AIDS
·         Hyperhidrosis
·         Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)
·         Leukemia
·         Malaria
·         Medication side effects, such as sometimes experienced when taking some beta blockers and antidepressants
·         Menopause
·         Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
·         Obesity
·         Stress
·         Tuberculosis

Most people sweat when they exercise or exert themselves, are in a hot environment, or are nervous, anxious or under stress. The excessive sweating experienced with hyperhidrosis far exceeds such normal sweating.
The type of hyperhidrosis that usually affects the hands, feet, underarms or face causes at least one episode a week, during waking hours. And the sweating usually occurs on both sides of the body.
Complications-- Complications of hyperhidrosis include:
Infections. People who sweat profusely are more prone to skin infections.
Social and emotional effects. Having clammy or dripping hands and perspiration-soaked clothes can be embarrassing. Your condition may affect your pursuit of work and educational goals.


Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental , emotional , spiritual and physical levels. When excessive sweating   is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient , considering the mental and physical symptoms.

CALCAREA CARB. 200-  Calcarea Carb is one of the top remedies for profuse sweating , especially on the scalp.  Wets the pillow during sleep. Calcarea carb is suitable to  fat, flabby and fair persons. They have a tendency to catch cold very easily. Craving for boiled eggs and indigestible things like dirt, chalk, coal, pencils etc.    

SILICEA 200-Silicea is best for controlling  excessive sweating, especially   on hands, feet and armpits.  Offensive sweat on hands and axilla. Icy cold and sweaty feet. Offensive sweat on feet. It is an effective remedy for offensive sweat in axilla.  Silicea person is very nervous and excitable. Nervous to all impressions.

MERCURIOUS SOL. 30- Merc Sol is one of the best remedies  for sweating profusely over the whole body , especially  at night.  Mercury complaints are worse during perspiration. Cold , clammy sweat on legs at night. Offensive or sour smelling sweat.Profuse salivation is another leading symptom of Merc sol.

PSORINUM 200- Psorinum is another remedy for profuse sweating, which is offensive in nature. Psorinum is a cold medicine , wants the head kept warm , wants warm clothing even in summer. Extreme sensitivity to cold and debility are other symptoms of Psorinum

SULPHUR 200—Sulphur is best for profuse sweating of hands. Hot, sweaty hands. Sweat in armpits, smelling like garlic. Sulphur is suited to hot persons, sensitive to heat.

BOVISTA 30- Bovista is effective for controlling profuse sweat from  armpits, which have a onion like offensive smell.

HEPAR SULPH 30-- Hepar Sulph is effective  in the treatment of foul-smelling sweat from armpits which leaves a yellow stain on clothes.

GRAPHITES 30- Graphites is prescribed for profuse sweating  when cracks appear in between toes due to excessive sweating on feet with a foul smell.

ACETIC ACID 30-- Acetic acid is effective for profuse sweating in hectic fevers. The patient drenches with thirst, but no thirst.

PETROLEUM 30-Petroleum is effective for treating offensive sweat, especially in the axilla. It can be observed as soon as the patient enters the room.

BENZOIC ACID 30-Benzoic acid is effective for profuse sweating on the sides. Presence of uric acid in urine. Urine is highly coloured and very offensive like that of horse’s urine

PULSATILLA NIG. 30- Pulsatilla is effective when sweat on only one part of the body is present. Similarly heat on one part of the body and cold on other part of the boy.

SANICULA 30-Sanicula is effective when sweat is present on head at night in emaciated children in thin emaciated children with offensive foot sweat. Sweats on covered parts of the body only. Sweating of hands when put together.

JABORANDI 30-Jaborandi is effective when profuse perspiration beginning on face and head and extending all over the body and followed by coldness of extremities and termination in vomiting of sour mucous.

CALADIUM 30-Caladium is prescribed when perspiration has sweetish odour which attracts flies. Sweating of genital areas.

THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 200-Thuja occ. Best for profuse sweating when sweat on uncovered parts of the body and no sweat on covered parts.Sweat about genitalia is offensive. Sweat oily, sweetish and fetid. Sweat on one side of the body only.


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