Nasal polyps are soft, painless, noncancerous growths on the lining of your nasal passages or sinuses. They hang down like teardrops or grapes. They result from chronic inflammation due to asthma, recurring infection, allergies, drug sensitivity or certain immune disorders.
Small nasal polyps may not cause symptoms. Larger growths or groups of nasal polyps can block your nasal passages or lead to breathing problems, a lost sense of smell and frequent infections. Nasal polyps can affect anyone, but they're more common in adults
Causes-- Scientists don't yet fully understand what causes nasal polyps. It's not clear why some people develop chronic inflammation or why ongoing inflammation triggers polyp formation in some people and not in others. The inflammation occurs in the fluid-producing lining (mucous membrane) of your nose and sinuses. There's some evidence that people who develop polyps have a different immune system response and different chemical markers in their mucous membranes than do those who don't develop polyps.
Nasal polyps can form at any age, but they're most common in young and middle-aged adults. Nasal polyps may form anywhere in your sinuses or nasal passages, but they appear most often in an area where sinuses near your eyes, nose and cheekbones all drain through winding passages into your nose (ostiomeatal complex).
Symptoms-- Nasal polyps are associated with inflammation of the lining of your nasal passages and sinuses that lasts more than 12 weeks (chronic rhinosinusitis, also known as chronic sinusitis). However, it's possible — and even somewhat more likely — to have chronic sinusitis without nasal polyps.
Nasal polyps themselves are soft and lack sensation, so if they're small you may not be aware you have them. Multiple growths or a large polyp may block your nasal passages and sinuses.
Common signs and symptoms of chronic sinusitis with nasal polyps include:
·         A runny nose
·         Persistent stuffiness
·         Postnasal drip
·         Decreased or absent sense of smell
·         Loss of sense of taste
·         Facial pain or headache
·         Pain in your upper teeth
·         A sense of pressure over your forehead and face
·         Snoring
Risk factors-- Any condition that triggers chronic inflammation in your nasal passages or sinuses, such as infections or allergies, may increase your risk of developing nasal polyps. Conditions often associated with nasal polyps include:
·         Asthma, a disease that causes overall airway inflammation and constriction
·  Aspirin sensitivity may cause some people to be more likely to develop nasal polyps
·         Allergic fungal sinusitis, an allergy to airborne fungi
·         Cystic fibrosis, a genetic disorder that results in the production and secretion of abnormally thick, sticky fluids, including thick mucus from nasal and sinus membranes
·         Churg-Strauss syndrome, a rare disease that causes the inflammation of blood vessels
Your family history also may play a role. There's some evidence that certain genetic variations associated with immune system function make you more likely to develop nasal polyps.
Complications-- Nasal polyps can cause complications because they block normal airflow and fluid drainage, and also because of the chronic inflammation underlying their development. Potential complications include:
·         Obstructive sleep apnea. In this potentially serious condition, you stop and start breathing frequently during sleep.
·       Asthma flare-ups. Chronic rhinosinusitis can aggravate asthma.
·         Sinus infections. Nasal polyps can make you more susceptible to sinus infections that recur often or become chronic.
Even though it is a surgical diseases Homoeopathic medicines  completely cure nasal polyps. Some of the important remedies are given below.
LEMNA MINOR Q-Lemna Minor is one of the most effective medicines  for nasal polyps.  There  is obstruction of nose and loss of smell from nasal polyps. Putrid smell in nose may also be felt in some cases. Thick, yellow-white discharge from the nose is another leading symptom.  In some cases, muco purulent nasal discharge is observed.  Nasal polyps worsen in wet weather .

TEUCRIUM MARUM  CM-Teucrium Marum is another effective  medicine for nasal polyps with marked nasal blockage. There  is obstruction of the side of the nose on which the person lies down. Loss of smell is also noted. Crawling sensation in the nose may arise.

SANGUINARIA NITRICUM 3x-Sanguinaria Nitricum is prescribed when there is  watery, nasal discharge of burning nature occurs. There are pressure over root of the nose, plugged sensation in nostrils, enlarged nasal turbinates, sneezing and yellow, bloody mucus discharge from the nose.

MERC BIN. IODIDE 3X—Merc bin. Iodide is effective for polyps of left side. The patient hawks mucus from  posterior nares. The turbinated bones swollen.

KALI NITRICUM 3X-Kali Nitricum is effective for   right-sided nasal polyps with  coryza , nose obstruction, sneezing, loss of smell and digging pain in nostrils.

NITRIC ACID 30-Ntric acid is effective for nasal polyp when fetid and yellowish mucus occurs in nose. Polyps covered with crusts.

CALCAREA CARB 30-Calcarea Carb is an effective medicine  for left-sided nasal polyps. It is prescribed for those persons  who complain of a blocked nose on the left side. There is  fetid smell and yellow discharge from nose. In the morning, dryness in nose may be felt. Sneezing, more in the morning time.Calcarea carb patients are fat , obese and flabby  , catch a cold easily, with the slightest change in weather.Calcarea carb have a craving for indigestible things and eggs.

ALLIUM CEPA 30-Allium cepa is prescribed when sneezing occurs in nasal polyp. There is watery discharge of burning, acrid nature from the nose. The nasal discharge corrodes the upper lips. Headache may also persist along with fluent coryza. Some feel there’s a lump at the root of the nose. Nose stoppage may also be observed.

PHOSPHORUS 30-Phosphorus is a very effective  medicine for nasal polyps that bleed easily. There is  coryza with dull headache and sneezing which worsens with strong odours. Blocked nose early in the morning . It is prescribed where coryza and dryness of the nose alternate.

KALI BICHROMICUM 30--Kali bichromicum is effective for  post nasal discharge in nasal polyps . The post nasal discharge is thick, lumpy, ropy in nature, accompanied  with much hawking.There is  marked pressure at the root of nose . Fetid smell from the nose is another symptom. Violent sneezing in the morning time is another feature

THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 200-Thuja occ . is prescribed when nasal polyps are present with sinusitis. There is thin, greenish discharge with loss of smell


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