Preventive Medicine is the specialty of medical practice that focuses on the health of individuals, communities, and defined populations. Its goal is to protect, promote, and maintain health and well-being and to prevent disease, disability, and death. Preventive medicine specialists have core competencies in biostatistics, epidemiology, environmental and occupational medicine, planning and evaluation of health services, management of health care organizations, research into causes of disease and injury in population groups, and the practice of prevention in clinical medicine. They apply knowledge and skills gained from the medical, social, economic, and behavioral sciences. Preventive medicine has three specialty areas with common core knowledge, skills, and competencies that emphasize different populations, environments, or practice settings: aerospace medicine, occupational medicine, and public health and general preventive medicine.
In this area Homoeopathy medicines can done wonders . Homoeopathic medicines are very effective for preventing for preventing many of the diseases. Some of the important preventive medicines are given below

CHICKEN POX- Give  Variolinum 200 one dose  in the first day and in the second day onwards Rhus toxicodendron 200 daily 3 times for one week
Sarracenia purpurea 6 and Maladrinum 200 alternately  two times daily ( morning and night ) for one week

INFLUENZA –Give in the first day  Influenzinum 200 – eight doses at an interval of 10 minutes . In the second day give Arsenic album 200 two times daily  ( morning and night ) for one week

WEILS’S DISEASE OR RAT FEVER—Give Phosphorus 200  two times daily ( morning and night ) for one week

CHIKUNGUNYA – Polyporus  200- times daily ( morning and night ) for one week

DENGUE FEVER—Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200-  two times daily ( morning and night ) for one week

JAPANESE ENCEPHALITIS -- Give Belladonna 200 one dose at night, after one week give Calcarea carb 200 one dose at night and after two weeks give Tuberculinum 200 one dose at night.

CONJUNCTIVITIS—Belladonna 200- alternately  two times daily ( morning and night ) for one week

MUMPS—Give  Parotidinum  200 one dose  in the first day and in the second day onwards Pilocarpus  200 two times daily ( morning and night ) for one week

TETANUS –Ledum pal 200 and Hypericum 200 alternately every three hours for one week

TONSILITIS –Baryta carb. 1000 one dose every week for four weeks

TUBERCULOSIS— Give Tuberculinum 10M one dose in the first month , Tuberculinum 50 M one dose  in the second month, and Tuberculinum CM one dose in the third month.

TYPHOID—  Typhoidinum 1000- one dose every 10 minutes – maximum 4 doses.

WHOOPING COUGH-Pertrussin 1000 one dose every 10 minutes – maximum 4 doses

POLIO-- Give Lathyrus sativa 200- one dose in the first month , Lathyrus sativa 1000 one dose  in the second month, and Lathyrus sativa 10M - one dose in the third month.

DIPHTHERIA – Diphtherinum 1000, one dose daily for three days

CHOLERA –Cuprum metallicum 30--  two times daily ( morning and night ) for one week

JAUNDICE- Give in the first day  Merc sol  200 – eight doses at an interval of 10 minutes . In the second day give Kali mur 6x  four  times daily   for one week

MALARIA – Give Malaria officinalis 1000 four doses at an interval of 10 minutes.
Natrum muriaticum 200 two times daily ( morning and night ) for one week

MEASLES – Give Pulsatilla nig. 200 --  two times daily ( morning and night ) for one week
Give Morbillinum 1000 four doses at an interval of 10 minutes
Give Malandrinum  1000 four doses at an interval of 10 minutes

MEASLES, MUMPS, CHICKEN POX- Give Pulsatilla nig. 1000 one dose

GERMAN MEASLES OR RUBELLA- Give Rubella  200 four doses at an interval of 10 minutes

DENTAL CARIES and GINGIVITIS –Calcarea renalis 30 two times daily ( morning and night ) for one week.

COMMON COLD –Ammonium carb. 30 three times daily for one week

GALL BLADER STONE – Chionanthus virginica 30 three times daily for one week.

GASTROENTERITIS –Give Arsenic alb. 200 ten doses at an interval of 10 minutes.

CATARACT- Give Calcarea flour. 12x- 4 tablets in morning, Calcarea phos 12x -4 tablets in the evening, Natrum mur 12x and Silicea 12x –each 4 tablets at night after food, Kali phos 12x – 4 tablets at bed time—for one week
Along with this use Cineraria maritime eye drops three times daily.

FILARIA – Give Capsicum 30 – 4 times daily, and Calcarea  flour. 30x -4 times daily for one week

WORM TROUBLES- Give Calcarea carb.1000 – one dose every month  for 3 months.

GOUT-Give  Fragaria vespa  6  -4 times daily for one week


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