Smniloquy , also known s sleep-talking , is a sleep disorder characterized by unconscious or unintentional talk while asleep. Smniloquy isa type of parasomnia, which is usually uncontrollable such as teeth grinding or sleep-walking.

The patient talks during stages 3 and 4 of sleep, but does not remember anything about it in the morning on awakening.  Somniloquy usually occurs during Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) or Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. It occurs equally in males and females, and in some cases, it may be hereditary. Somniloquy usually occurs in the dominant language of the individual.


The cause behind sleep talking is not clear. It may be due to:

·         Genetics: Children who sleep talk are likely to have parents who did the same or still do the same.

·         Psychological factors: Sleep talking is predominantly seen in individuals with mental health issues or conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety. Sleep talking can also be associated with nightmares, especially in children. Sleep talking is also found to coexist with sleep-walking, teeth grinding, and nightmares.

·         Some medications, such as antidepressants.

·         Abuse of substances such as alcohol, a person is found to be sleep talk more when asleep under the influence of alcohol.

·         High fever.

·         Sleep talking can be a feature of another sleep disorder like, sleep walking, confused arousal, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, nocturnal seizers, psychiatric disorders, sleep-related eating disorder (SRED).


The main symptoms of sleep-talking includes:

·         Mumbling

·         Utterances

·         Calling out

·         Talking-out-loud

·         Moaning

·         Whispering


Sleep talking rarely harms a person. It is usually an issue to the obsever of sleep talking person than the sleep talker. There are no specific methods or medicines to stop sleep talking, with specific steps, the frequency of sleep talking can be managed and reduced.

·         Bed time habit: Maintaining a healthy sleeping habit can help manage talk. Maintaining a healthy sleeping habit includes sleeping at the right time, for the right amount of time. It is essential to get good quality night sleep.

·         Sleep hygiene: Sleep hygiene is also vital to control sleep talk and reduce its frequency and severity. The place of sleep should be free from noise Room with dim lighting, dark curtains, a good mattress, and a pillow with clean sheets can also foster quality sleep.

·         Sleep pattern: Following a sleep pattern with a strict schedule is also essential. Sleeping at the same time and waking up at the same time can also help reduce sleeping too.

·         Try to reduce anxiety and stress levels as they increase the severity of smniloquy. Include meditation or yoga in daily life as they provide peace to mind and body, which ultimately help to a sound sleep.

·         Avoid having a heavy meal before going to bed.

·         Avoid the intake of alcohol.

·         Avoid watching any horror series before going to bed as it may induce sleep terror.

·         Medicines.


Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world. It strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance  at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When sleep talking  is concerned there are many effective medicines available in Homoeopathy , but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient , considering mental and physical symptoms.

ARSENIC ALBUM: Sleep disturbed, anxious and restless. Sleeps with hands over head. Talks in sleep. Reveals secrets in sleep. Dreams of death, full of care, sorrow and fear. Violent starting with twitching, trembling of limbs during sleep.

BARYTA CARBONICUM: Talking in sleep, awakes frequently, feels too hot. Lies on one side. Twitching during sleep.

BELLADONNA: Half-opened eyes while sleeping. Restless sleep with sudden starts. Crying out, moaning , grinding of teeth during sleeping. Jerks during sleep. Staring when closing the eyes of during sleep. Sleey yet cannot sleep. Sleeps with hands under the head. Kept awake by the pulsation of blood vessels.

CINA: Disturbed sleep from worm troubles. Restless during sleep. Screams and talks in sleeping. Gets on hands and knees or on abdomen in sleep. Night terrors of children, cries out, screams, wakes frightened.

HYOSCYAMUS NIGER:  Confess themselves  loudly  during sleep. Laugh during sleep. Child sobs and cries in sleep without waking. Sleep with convulsions and involuntary movements of limbs. 

KALI CARBONICUM: Drowsy after eating. Falls asleep while eating. Talks in sleep. Awakes at about 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. with nearly all complaints. Yawns with headache.

LACHESIS: Children toss about moaning in sleep. Sudden startling when falling to asleep. Frightful dreams of snake. Sleeps into aggravation.

NUX VOMICA: Weeping and talking during sleep. Cannot sleep after 3 a.m. until towards morning. Nightmares. Dreams,  anxious, pursued by animals, dogs, and cats, amorous. Ailments from too much of mental strain, over study, drug abuse, over use of stimulants like tea, coffee, and alcohol.

PULSATILLA NIGRICANS: Lies with hands over head or crossed on abdomen and feet drawn up. Chattering in sleep. Talks, whines, or screams during sleep. Restless. Tosses. Dreams confused, frightful.

SEPIA: Talks loudly during sleep. Frightful dreams and frequent screaming with fright. Dreams of rape, being pursued, chased with a knife. Dreams of urinating.

SILICEA: Talks in sleep loudly, whines, or laughs. Night walking, gets up while asleep. Dreams frightful, lascivious of past events. Awakes frightened from sleep with trembling of the whole body.

SULPHUR: Talks, jerks, and twitches during sleep. Awakes with starts or screams. Sings during sleep or wakes up singing.






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