Diabetic nephropathy is a serious kidney-related complication of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. It is also called diabetic kidney disease. Up to 40 percent of people with diabetes eventually develop kidney disease.
Diabetic nephropathy affects the ability of your kidneys to do their usual work of removing waste products and extra fluid from your body. The best way to prevent or delay diabetic nephropathy is by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and treating your diabetes and high blood pressure.
Over many years, the condition slowly damages your kidneys' delicate filtering system. Early treatment may prevent or slow disease progression and reduce the chance of complications.
Your kidney disease may progress to kidney failure, also called end-stage kidney disease. Kidney failure is a life-threatening condition.
Diabetic nephropathy results when diabetes damages blood vessels and other cells in your kidneys.
How the kidneys work
Your kidneys contain millions of tiny blood vessel clusters (glomeruli) that filter waste from your blood. Severe damage to these blood vessels can lead to diabetic nephropathy, decreased kidney function and kidney failure.
Diabetic nephropathy causes
Diabetic nephropathy is a common complication of diabetes, types 1 and 2.
Over time the high blood sugar associated with untreated diabetes causes high blood pressure. This in turn damages the kidneys by increasing the pressure in the delicate filtering system of the kidneys.
In the early stages of diabetic nephropathy, you may not notice any signs or symptoms. In later stages, the signs and symptoms include:
·         Worsening blood pressure control
·         Protein in the urine
·         Swelling of feet, ankles, hands or eyes
·         Increased need to urinate
·         Less need for insulin or diabetes medicine
·         Confusion or difficulty concentrating
·         Loss of appetite
·         Nausea and vomiting
·         Persistent itching
·         Fatigue
Risk factors
Several factors may increase your risk of diabetic nephropathy, including:
·         Diabetes, type 1 or 2
·         High blood sugar (hyperglycemia) that's difficult to control
·         High blood pressure (hypertension) that's difficult to control
·         Being a smoker and having diabetes
·         High blood cholesterol and having diabetes
·         A family history of diabetes and kidney disease
Complications of diabetic nephropathy may develop gradually over months or years. They may include:
·         Fluid retention, which could lead to swelling in your arms and legs, high blood pressure, or fluid in your lungs (pulmonary edema)
·         A sudden rise in potassium levels in your blood (hyperkalemia)
·         Heart and blood vessel disease (cardiovascular disease), possibly leading to stroke
·         Damage to the blood vessels of the retina (diabetic retinopathy)
·         Anemia
·         Foot sores, erectile dysfunction, diarrhea and other problems related to damaged nerves and blood vessels
·         Pregnancy complications that carry risks for the mother and the developing fetus
·         Irreversible damage to your kidneys (end-stage kidney disease), eventually requiring either dialysis or a kidney transplant for survival

Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world. It strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance  at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When diabetic nephropathy    is concerned there are many effective medicines available in Homoeopathy , but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient , considering mental and physical symptoms.

Well selected Homoeopathic remedies are effective for the management of diabetic nephropathy. Some of the important remedies are given below-
LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM 30—Lycopodium is an effective remedy for diabetic nephropathy. Urine scanty , cries before urinating, red sand in urine, must strain, suppressed or retained. Urine milky and turbid. Sometimes haematuria . Urine is burning and hot. The right kidney is mainly affected. The patient experiences impotency.The patient likes warm food and drink, also there is intense craving for sweets.

SERUM ANGUILLAE 6X—Serum Anguilae is one of the best remedies for diabetic nephropathy. It is very effective in acute nephritis. Kidney failure. It is prescribed when hypertension and oliguria without oedema is present. Urine contains albumin.

ARALIA HISPIDA 30-Aralia hispida is found to be effective for diabetic nephropathy. There is dropsy of renal origin. Urinary tract infection is present. Urine is scanty leading to complete suppression of urine. Renal diseases with constipation.

AMPELOPSIS QUINQUEFOLIA 30- Ampelopsis quinquefolia is another effective remedy for diabetic nephropathy. There is uraemia or uremic coma. Vomiting, purging, tenesmus , cold sweat and collapse are the leading symptoms. 

CUPRUM ARSENITUM 3x-Cuprum ars is also a very effective remedy for diabetic nephropathy. There is kidney inefficiency and uremia. The urine smell like garlic. Urine of high specific gravity increased, acetones and diacetic acid.

CUPRUM ACETICUM 3X- In Cuprum aceticum the tongue is pale , coated with lot of mucus. Anemia. Pulse rapid. The patient is chilly. Breathlessness with dry cough. Cannot eat or drink without retching.

ARSENICUM ALBUM- 30-Arsenic alb. Is also an effective remedy for diabetic  nephropathy. Urine is scanty, burning when urinating. Albuminuria. Epithelial cells, cylindrical clots of fibrin and globules of pus and blood in urine. Feeling weakness in abdomen after urination. Retention of urine. Urine black as if mixed with dung.


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