A vaginal candidiasis or yeast infection is a common condition.  A healthy vagina contains bacteria and some yeast cells. But when the balance of bacteria and yeast changes, the yeast cells can multiply. This causes intense itching, swelling and irritation. A specific kind of yeast called Candida albicans causes most of the yeast infections.
A vaginal yeast infection affects up to 3 out of 4 women at some point in their life times. Many women experience at least two episodes.
Vaginal yeast infection are not considered a sexually transmitted infection. Sexual contact can spread it, but women who are not sexually  active can also get them.  Once you get a yeast infection , you are likely to get another one.

Causes—The fungus Candida is a naturally occurring microorganism in the vaginal area. Lactobacillus bacteria keeps its growth in check. But when there is an imbalance in the hormone system, these bacteria won’t work effectively. This leads to an overgrowth of yeast, which causes the symptoms of yeast infections.
Several factors can cause yeast infection, including
·         Antibiotics, they decrease the amount of Lactobacillus in the vagina
·         Pregnancy
·         Uncontrolled diabetes
·         Weak immune system
·         Stress
·         Poor eating habits, including a lot of sugary foods
·         Hormonal imbalance near your menstrual cycle
·         Taking oral contraceptives or hormone therapy that increase estrogen levels
·         Lack of sleep

Yeast infection symptoms can range from mild to moderate, and include:
·         Itching and irritation in the vagina and vulva
·         A burning sensation, especially during intercourse or while urinating
·         Pain during sex
·         Redness and swelling of the vulva
·         Vaginal pain and soreness
·         Vaginal rash
·         Thick, white, odor-free vaginal discharge with a cottage cheese appearance
·         Watery vaginal discharge


Complicated yeast infection

You might have a complicated yeast infection if:
·         You have severe signs and symptoms, such as extensive redness, swelling and itching that leads to tears, cracks or sores
·         You have four or more yeast infections in a year
·         Your infection is caused by a less typical type of fungus
·         You're pregnant
·         You have uncontrolled diabetes
·         Your immune system is weakened because of certain medications or conditions such as HIV infection
Risk factors
Factors that increase your risk of developing a yeast infection include:
·         Antibiotic use. Yeast infections are common in women who take antibiotics. Broad-spectrum antibiotics, which kill a range of bacteria, also kill healthy bacteria in your vagina, leading to overgrowth of yeast.
·         Increased estrogen levels. Yeast infections are more common in women with higher estrogen levels — such as pregnant women or women taking high-dose estrogen birth control pills or estrogen hormone therapy.
·         Uncontrolled diabetes. Women with poorly controlled blood sugar are at greater risk of yeast infections than women with well-controlled blood sugar.
·         Impaired immune system. Women with lowered immunity — such as from corticosteroid therapy or HIV infection — are more likely to get yeast infections
To reduce your risk of vaginal yeast infections, wear underwear that has a cotton crotch and doesn't fit too tightly.
It might also help to avoid:
·         Tight-fitting pantyhose
·         Douching, which removes some of the normal bacteria in the vagina that protect you from infection
·         Scented feminine products, including bubble bath, pads and tampons
·         Hot tubs and very hot baths
·         Unnecessary antibiotic use, such as for colds or other viral infections
·         Staying in wet clothes, such as swimsuits and workout attire, for long periods of time


Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental , emotional , spiritual and physical levels. When vaginal yeast infection  is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient , considering the mental and physical symptoms.

AMBRA GRISEA 30—Ambra grisea is effective for vaginal yeast infection due to hormonal imbalance. There is itching of pudendum with soreness and swelling. Itching in labia. Profuse , bluish discharge. Worse at night. The sexual desire is increased.

CALCAREA CARB 30—Calcarea carb is suitable for fatty women with thick, milky, gushing or yellow discharge, worse during urination with itching and burning. Burning and itching before and after menstruation. Swelling and redness of vulva and vagina.

HELONIAS  Q—Helonias is prescribed with aphthous inflammation of vulva. Foul, lumpy or curdled discharge. Parts hot, red, swollen, burn and itch terribly.

KREOSOTUM 30—Kreosotum is effective for vaginal yeast infection with severe itching between labia and thigh. Itching within vulva with burning and swelling of labia. Rub the parts all the time. Acrid , yellow discharge.

SEPIA 30—Sepia is prescribed for vaginal yeast infection with yellow, greenish discharge. There is severe itching in labia, vulva and vagina. There is much heat and soreness in these parts. There is a feeling dragging and bearing down sensation as if everything would escape through the vagina.

PULSATILLA NIGRICANS 30—Pulsatilla is another effective remedy for vaginal yeast infection with milky, thick, cream like  acrid discharge. Back pain and exhaustion along with this. Burning and itching in labia, vulva and vagina.

THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 30—Thuja occidentalis is prescribed with profuse, thick, greenish discharge. Vagina very sensitive. Itching, burning and soreness in vulva and vagina. Ulcers are seen in vulva and vagina. Erosion of cervix.


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