The mammals are the class of vertebrate animals characterized by the production of milk in females for the nourishment of young, from mammary glands present on most species and specialized skin glands in monotremes that seep or ooze milk. Other characters are-the presence of hair or fur, specialized teeth, three minute bones within the ear, the presence of a neocortex region in the brain, endothermic or warm blooded bodies etc.
The brain regulates the endothermic and circulatory systems , including a four chambered heart. Most mammals give birth to live young but a few , monotremes, lay eggs.
Mammals encompass some 5500 species, including humans, distributed in about 1200 genera, 152 families up to 46 orders, though this varies with the classification scheme.
Homoeopathic medicines are prepared from plants and its parts, animals including mammals, chemicals,  nosodes, sacrcodes, immaterial energies, and from synthetic products. Some of the important medicines prepared from mammals  are given below.

CARBO ANIMALIS—Animal charcoal, made from the charred ox-hide. Carbo animalis is especially adapted to scrofulous and venous constitutions , old people and after debilitating disease, with feeble circulation and lowered vitality. Glands are indurated, veins distended, skin blue. Stitch remain after pleurisy. Easily strained from lifting. Weakness of nursing women. Ulceration and decomposition. All the secretions are offensive . Causes local congestions without heat.

CASTROR EQUI--- Castor equi obtained from the thumb nail of horse. It has specific action on breasts. It is a specific remedy for mastitis with cracked and ulcerated nipples of nursing women , excessively tender , cannot bear  touch of clothing. Pain in the right tibia and coccyx. Thickening of the skin and epithelium. Its acts on skin causing its thickening , on nails, which become brittle and falls off. Mentally unusual laughter about things and funny.

CASTOREUM—Castoreum consists of the dried follicles of Castor fiber , a beaver found in Russia and America. These follicles are situated between the anus and external genitals of both sexes of the animal. Castoreum is a great remedy for hysteria. Well marked prostration. Weak and lack of reaction. Day blindness, cannot endure the light. Spasmodic disorders after debilitating diseases. Constant yawing . Restless sleep with frightful dreams and starts. Nervous palpitations. A feeling of fullness in the stomach as if too much had been eaten.

CERVUS CAMPESTRIS—From fresh hide covered with hair of 
Brazilian deer. There is a feeling of taste of doughy bread in the mouth. It is a good remedy for sciatica with numbness of arm on which he lies of hand and legs. Frequent pain now in left buttock now in thigh. Mottled face. Coppery taste with heat in throat when taking the drug. Drowsiness and yawning after sleep.

FEL TAURI – Obtained from the gall bladder of Oxgal.  It is a good remedy for biliary colic. Obstruction of gall ducts. Jaundice. Increases the duodenal secretion , emulsifies fats and increases the peristaltic action of the intestines.  Tendency to sleep after eating.Liquifies bile and acts as a purgative and chologogue. Disordered digestion, diarrhea, and pain in nape of neck.

HIPPOMANES. –Prepared from a sticky mucoid substance of urinous odor floating in the amniotic fluid of mare. It is also found attached to the membrane of the foetal organ of the mare in the last month of pregnancy. The symptoms are—Increased sexual desire. Prostatitis. Drawing pain in testicles. Icy coldness in stomach.Sprained sensation in wrist.Chorea. Much weakness after growing too fast.

—Dog’s milk. This remedy disorganizes the blood and affects the throat, breasts, kidneys and rectum. The keynote symptom is erratic pains, alternating sides. Feels as if walking on air or of not touching the bed when lying down. Great weakness and prostration. Decided effect in drying up milk in women who cannot nurse the baby. Fatty degeneration of liver , spleen and kidneys and other solid organs.

LAC CAPRINUM—Prepared from Goat’s milk. Mental symptoms are more important. Fear is the marked feature. Fear of being taken by surprise with no chance of escape, fear of falling, fear of being scapegoat, fear of losing social position. Assuming a childlike helplessness to get protection. There is a high sexuality and sensuality. They are mischievous. They will delude, deceive and to lie to prevent a fall and loss of social position. There is a vulnerable feeling on the sides of the throat.

LAC FELINUM –Cat’s milk. Eye symptoms are ciliary neuralgia, photophobia, asthenopia . Dysmenorrhea.Morbid conscientiousness, very little fault appeared a crime.

LAC HUMANUM—Human breast milk. Used for addictions and overeating disorders. Conjunctivitis. Breast disorders. Swollen breats before the menses. Sadness during menses. The body weight changes easily. The hormones are out of balance. Pre menstrual syndrome.Indifference to everything. Lack of feeling. Changeable moods. The senses are more sensitive. Flushes of heat upward.   

LAC VACCINUM –Cow’s milk. The symptoms appeared on both sides at once is a marked symptom of this remedy.  Headache feels all over the body, dull, aching, drowsy, wants to go to sleep. Rheumatism. All the joints of the body , especially knees, feel weak and powerless, as when half drunk. Obstinate constipation.

MEPHITES—Prepared from the poisonous fluid secreted by anal glands of Mephitis amaricana, an animal about the size of a cat.It is a great remedy for whooping cough.  Spasmodic and whooping cough. Few paroxysms in day time , but many at night, with vomiting after eating. Violent spasmodic cough , worse at night. Sudden contraction of glottis , when drinking or talking. Food goes down wrong way. Asthma , as if inhaling sulphur. Mentally the person is highly excited with full of fancies.

MOSCHUS—Musk from musk deer. A remedy for hysteria and nervous paroxysms, fainting fits and convulsions, catalepsy etc. The characteristic condition being aggravated by cold, there is great sensitiveness to air. Much nervous trembling and frequent fainting. Diseases do not follow a normal course. Coldness. Tension in muscles, skin and mind. Imaginary sufferings. Uncontrollable laughter.

ORCHITINUM – Prepared from the testicular extract of sheep. Sexual weakness after ovariotomy. Senile decay.

PULMO VULPIS –Fresh lung of Wolf or Fox. Persistent shortness of breath causing a paroxysm of asthma on the slightest motion. Strong , sonorous bubbling rales.

SPHINGURUS –Tree Porcupine. Trituration of prickles taken from one of the sides. The most marked symptoms are- Falling out of hairs, especially hairs of whiskers. Pain in the jaw- joint and zygoma. Itching of the pubes after taking tea. Embarrassed speech. Nausea at the sight of food.


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