Depression is a mood disorder
that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called
major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel,
think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems.
You may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and sometimes you may
feel as if life isn't worth living.
than just a bout of the blues, depression isn't a weakness and you can't simply
"snap out" of it. Depression may require long-term treatment. But
don't get discouraged. Most people with depression feel better with medication,
psychological counseling or both.
not known exactly what causes depression. As with many mental disorders, a
variety of factors may be involved, such as:
differences.People with depression appear to have
physical changes in their brains. The significance of these changes is still
uncertain, but may eventually help pinpoint causes.
chemistry. Neurotransmitters are naturally
occurring brain chemicals that likely play a role in depression. Recent
research indicates that changes in the function and effect of these
neurotransmitters and how they interact with neurocircuits involved in
maintaining mood stability may play a significant role in depression and its
Hormones. Changes in the body's balance of hormones may be involved in
causing or triggering depression. Hormone changes can result with pregnancy and
during the weeks or months after delivery (postpartum) and from thyroid
problems, menopause or a number of other conditions.
traits. Depression is more common in
people whose blood relatives also have this condition. Researchers are trying
to find genes that may be involved in causing depression.
depression may occur only one time during your life, usually people have
multiple episodes of depression. During these episodes, symptoms occur most of
the day, nearly every day and may include:
Feelings of sadness, tearfulness,
emptiness or hopelessness
Angry outbursts, irritability or
frustration, even over small matters
Loss of interest or pleasure in most
or all normal activities, such as sex, hobbies or sports
Sleep disturbances, including
insomnia or sleeping too much
Tiredness and lack of energy, so even
small tasks take extra effort
Changes in appetite — often reduced
appetite and weight loss, but increased cravings for food and weight gain in
some people
- Anxiety,
agitation or restlessness
- Slowed
thinking, speaking or body movements
- Feelings of
worthlessness or guilt, fixating on past failures or blaming yourself for
things that aren't your responsibility
- Trouble
thinking, concentrating, making decisions and remembering things
- Frequent or
recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts or
- Unexplained
physical problems, such as back pain or headaches
For many people with depression, symptoms usually are severe enough to
cause noticeable problems in day-to-day activities, such as work, school,
social activities or relationships with others. Other people may feel generally
miserable or unhappy without really knowing why.
Depression symptoms in children and
Common signs and symptoms of depression in children and teenagers are
similar to those of adults, but there can be some differences.
In younger children, symptoms of
depression may include sadness, irritability, clinginess, worry, aches and
pains, refusing to go to school, or being underweight.
In teens, symptoms may include
sadness, irritability, feeling negative and worthless, anger, poor performance
or poor attendance at school, feeling misunderstood and extremely sensitive,
using drugs or alcohol, eating or sleeping too much, self-harm, loss of
interest in normal activities, and avoidance of social interaction.
Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can
demonstrate irritability without sadness or loss of interest. However, major
depression can occur with ADHD.
Depression symptoms in older adults
Depression is not a normal part of growing older, and it should never be
taken lightly. Unfortunately, depression often goes undiagnosed and untreated
in older adults, and they may feel reluctant to seek help. Symptoms of
depression may be different or less obvious in older adults, such as:
Memory difficulties or personality
Physical aches or pain
Fatigue, loss of appetite, sleep
problems, aches or loss of interest in sex — not caused by a medical condition
or medication
Often wanting to stay at home, rather
than going out to socialize or doing new things
Suicidal thinking or feelings,
especially in older men
ALBUM 200-Arsenicum album is one of the top remedies for depression. Arsenic
patient express sadness, restlessness and fear. Anxious , insecure and perfectionistic people who need this remedy
may set high standards for themselves and others and become depressed it their
expectations are not met. Depression on account of a hidden feeling or guilt. Worry
about material security sometimes borders on despair. When feeling ill , these
people can be demanding and dependent, even suspicious of others , fearing
their conditions could be serious.Arsenic patients thinks that it is useless to
take medicines for his depression.
METALLICUM 200- Aurum met. Is another effective remedy for
depression.Aurum metallicum patients are
very serious people, strongly focussed on work and achievement, who become
depressed if they feel they have failed in some way. Nervous breakdown. Thinks
of committing suicide but fears death greatly. Disgusted of life and thoughts.
Profound despondency. Peevish. Rapid and constant questioning without waiting
for answers. Oversensitive to noise.Discouragement, self – reproach, humiliation
and anger can lead to feelings of emptiness and worthlessness. The person may
feel worse at night with nightmares or insomnia.
CARBONICA 200- A dependable , industrious person who becomes
overwhelmed from too much worry, work or physical illness may benefit from this
remedy.Anxiety , fatigue, confusion, discouragement, self – pity , and a dread
of disaster may develop. A person who needs this remedy often feels chilly and
sluggish and easily tires on exertion.
MACULATUM 200-Conium mac. persons are depressed during
menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. Excitement causes mental depression .
Timid. Weak memory. Afraid of being alone.
A person who feels depressed because of grief and loss either recent or over
time, may benefit from this remedy. Frequent crying or a feeling of mental
dullness and forgetfulness with anxious checking to see if the door is locked,
if the stove is off, etc. are other indications.They are often deeply
sympathetic towards others and having a strong sense of justice , can be deeply
discouraged or angry about the world.
RACEMOSA 200-A person who needs this remedy can be energetic
and talkative when feeling well, but upset and gloomy when depressed- with
exaggerated fears of insanity, of being attacked, of disaster. Along with this
painful menstrual periods and headaches that involve the neck are seen.
NIGER 200- Depression in women during puberty. When menses have not
started or are suppressed. Sensation of depression. General muscular weakness.
Sinking sensation, worse at 4-8 pm. Mania of a melancholic type. Frequent
sighing .
PERF. 1X- Depression. Sadness and mood swings. Feeling of exhaustion.
Feeling that everything involves too much trouble. Does not want to get up in
the morning. Feels as if an icy cold hand was touching his head. Feels as if
lifted high in the air. Anxiety. Brain seems compressed and head feels longer .
MARA 200-Depression in teenagers. Depression due to grief and worry.
Sensitive people who suffer grief and disappointment and try to keep the hurt
inside may benefit from this remedy. Wanting not to cry or appear too vulnerable to others , they may seem
guarded, defensive and moody. They may also burst out laughing or in to tears, for no apparent reason. A
feeling of a lump in the throat and heaviness in the chest with frequent
sighing or yawning are leading indications of this remedy.Insomnia or excessive
sleeping , headaches and cramping pains in the abdomen and back are also often
seen.Ignatia is also effective for seasonal affective depression.
PHOSPHORICUM 200-Mental and physical depression caused by excitement
, overwork, worry and insomnia. If a person feels depression after working too
hard, being physically ill , or going through prolonged emotional stress or excitement
this remedy can be helpful. Exausted, nervous and jumpy, they may have
difficulty working or concentrating and become discouraged and lose confidence
. Headaches from mental effort, easy perspiration , sensitivity to cold ,
anemia, insomnia and digestion are often seen when this remedy is needed.
200- AND SEPIA 200- Lachesis and Sepia are very effective remedies
for depression occurs during menopause.
CARBONICUM 200- Individuals
who need this remedy are usually mild, gentle, and selfless—making an effort to
be cheerful and helpful, and avoiding conflict whenever possible. After being
hurt or disappointed, they can become depressed, but keep their feelings to
themselves. Even when feeling lonely, they withdraw to rest or listen to sad
music, which can isolate them even more. Nervous and physically sensitive (to
sun, to weather changes, and to many foods, especially milk), they may also get
depressed when feeling weak or ill.
who need this remedy seem reserved, responsible, and private—yet have strong
inner feelings (grief, romantic attachment, anger, or fear of misfortune) that
they rarely show. Even though they want other people to feel for them, they can
act affronted or angry if someone tries to console them, and need to be alone
to cry. Anxiety, brooding about past grievances, migraines, back pain, and
insomnia can also be experienced when the person is depressed. A craving for
salt and tiredness from sun exposure are other indications for this remedy. Depression
due to hunger.
PULSATILLA NIG. 200- Depression due to hormonal changes. People who needs this remedy have a childlike softness and
sensitivity—and can also be whiny, jealous, and moody. When depressed, they are
sad and tearful, wanting a lot of attention and comforting. Crying, fresh air,
and gentle exercise usually improve their mood. Getting too warm or being in a stuffy
room can increase anxiety. Depression around the time of hormonal changes
(puberty, menstrual periods, or menopause) can often be helped with Pulsatilla nig.
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