
Showing posts from 2025


High blood pressure is a common condition that affects the body’s arteries. In high blood pressure, the force of blood pushing against the artery walls is consistently high. The heart has to work harder to pump blood. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury. In general hypertension is a blood pressure of 130/80 millimeters of mercury or higher. DIET 1. Drink enough water. 2. Eat more fruits and vegetables high in both potassium, magnesium , and vitamins. 3. Eat more seeds high in magnesium. Take 500 mg daily. The richest source is dark green vegetables, nuts and seeds. 4. Avoid salt 5. Avoid alcohol and smoking. HOMEOPATHY ADRENALINUM A palliative for high blood pressure. High arterial pressure and, roaring in ears. ALLIUM SATIVA High blood pressure associated with high cholesterol levels. Suit to fat and fleshy persons, who prefer non-vegetarian diet. Patients who eat a great deal more, especially meat, than they drink. The digestion is disturbed slightest irregularities ...


ABIES CANADENSIS:   Abies can. is an excellent remedy for gastric ulcer. There is gnawing , hungry faint feeling at the epigastrium . Burning and distension of stomach is present. Tendency to eat far beyond the capacity for digestion.There is great appetite, craving for meat, pickles, radish, turnips coarse food. Flatulence disturbs the heart’s action. Want to lie down all the time. ABIES NIGRA:  Abies nigra is prescribed when pain pain in stomach comes after eating. Sensation as if hard boiled egg had lodged in the cardiac end of stomach. Great craving for food at noon and night. It is suitable for dyspepsia of the aged. Also dyspepsia after tea or tobacco. Sour eructations. ANACARDIUM:  Anacardium is an excellent remedy for duodenal ulcer. All gone sensation when stomach is empty, better by eating, during the process of digestion.  Choke while eating and drinking. Swallows food and drink hastily. Ineffectual desire for stool, rectum seems to be plugg...


Rheumatoid arthritis, RA, is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes pain, inflammation and stiffness in the lining of joints. It most commonly affects the joints in fingers, hands, wrists, knees, ankles, feet and toes. Uncontrolled inflammation damages cartilage, which normally acts as a shock absorber in joints. In time, this can deform joints, bone itself erodes, lead to the fusion of joints. FOOD Reduce inflammation and pain in arthritis a Mediterranean diet is ideal, which is high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fish and healthy oils. This diet has noticeable effects on emotional level also. Arthritis diet should include: 1. Vegetables: tomatoes, beans, lentils, green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale; nutrition dense vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower, avocado, coconut, olives etc. 2. Fruits: red grapes, oranges, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, cherries, papayas etc. 3. Fish: fishlike salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines. 4. Spices: turmer...


Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in the blood. The body needs cholesterol to build healthy cells. But high levels of cholesterol can raise the risk of heart disease. With high cholesterol, fats and other substances can build up in blood vessels called arteries. This build up is called plaque. As more plaque forms over time, the arteries can become narrowed or clogged. That makes it hard for enough blood to flow through the arteries. Sometimes a piece of plaque can break loose and form a blood clot. The clot may cause a heart attack or stroke.   High cholesterol can be inherited, but it’s often the result of unhealthy lifestyle choices, and thus preventable and treatable. A healthy diet, regular exercise and homeopathy medicine can help lower it. FOOD Food is a powerful stuff for controlling many diseases including high levels of cholesterol in blood. PLANT STEROLS:  Soya is a rich source of hormone-like substance called plant sterols. They are cholesterol busters. Other p...


SOLANUM MAMMOSUM BOTANICAL NAME: Solanum mammosum Linn. FAMILY: Solanaceae COMMON NAMES: Nipple nightshade DESCRIPTION: An annual herb, erect, branching, villous stem with scattered prickles. The leaves are alternate, large, irregularly angular, subcordate, lobed, prickly on both sides and very villous, yellow-nerved,on the lower surface, the midrib furnished with dark-yellow prickles. Flowers pale blue, violet or grayish on scattered panicle. The berries are yellow, each formed like a teat, whence the specific name. DISTRIBUTION: West India; growing in hedges and cultivated places. PART USED: Ripe berries HOMEOPATHY Coxalgia. Hemoptysis. Irritability. Abnormal sleep. Difficult thought. Effects of tobacco. POTENCY: 1X and higher.   


DRABA VERNA BOTANICAL NAME: Draba verna Linn FAMILY: Cruciferae COMMON NAMES: Witlow grass DESCRIPTION: An annual or winter-annual herb. Leaves in a  crowded basal rosette, oblanceolate, to spatulate or ovate-oblong, 1-2 cm long, pubescent. Flowers white2-3 mm wide, occur in racemes over scapes. Fruit a siliqua. DISTRIBUTION: Native of Europe, introduced in North America. PART USED: Whole flowering plant. HOMEOPATHY For vitamin C deficiency. Skin infections, abscesses around nails. POTENCY: Mother tincture.   


KNAUTIA ARVENSIS BOTANICAL NAME: Knautia arvensis (L) Coult. FAMILY: Caprifoliaceae COMMON NAMES: English: Bluebuttons, Field scabiosa. DESCRIPTION: A tall, hairy, perennial herbaceous plant. The plant has an aromatic odor and bitter taste. The leaves of the rosette and lower stem are spatulae, margins entire or dentate. Leaves on the middle and upper stem are sessile, pinnatified. The flower heads have an aromatic scent. They are flat and basket-shaped. Flowers are bluish-violet color. DISTRIBUTION: Europe. PART USED: Aerial flowering parts. HOMOEOPATHY USES Acute bronchitis with cough. Shortness of breath due to respiratory infections.  Gastritis. Scabies and skin eruptions. Diuretic, POTENCY: Mother tincture and higher.   


GALPHIMIA GLAUCA BOTANICAL NAME: Galphimia glauca FAMILY: Malpighiaceae   COMMON NAMES: Rain of gold, Golden showers. DESCRIPTION: It is an ever-green wild erect shrub with branched taproot system that reaches a height of up to 1.8 to 3 meters. The alternate leaves are ovate or elongate, green above and bluish green below which may become bronze colored during the cold. The sweet- scented flowers are yellow in color, 2 cm in size, with five petals and sepals, and are produced in flowery racemose. The plant can bloom in cycles all year round in the right conditions and under full sun, but mostly from early spring to first frost. DISTRIBUTION: Native of Mexico, Guatemala, and Panama. PART USED: Dried leaves and flowers. HOMEOPATHY Suited to allergic type of people with hay fever, asthma, and sensitive skin. Allergic rhinitis. Sneezing. Hypersecretion from the nasal and ocular mucous membranes.  Bronchial asthma. Hypersensitive to weather changes. Hay fever. Skin allergies. ...