Motion sickness is an ill feeling , a common problem in people travelling by car, boat, train, plane or while on amusement rides. In addition some people get non-travel – related motion sickness from certain visual activities , such as playing video games or watching spinning objects. Symptoms can strike without warning and worsen quickly. Motion sickness can start suddenly , with a queasy feeling and cold sweats. It can then lead to dizziness and nausea and vomiting.  Any one can get it , but it is more common in children , pregnant women, and people taking certain medicines. Motion sickness is not a life- threatening condition, but it can make travelling unpleasant.
Motion sickness can be triggered by rocking ( boat ), air turbulence ( airplane ), being in the back seat of a car unable to see the horizon, reading in the car, air circulation while riding in the car .

Causes—Your brain senses movement by getting signals from your inner ears, eyes, muscles and joints. When it get signals that do not match , you can get motion sickness. An imbalance between the sensory parts of the body and the rest of your  body.  For example, if you are reading on your phone while riding a bus , your eyes are focused on something that is not moving , but your inner ear senses motion. When playing a video game , your eyes may sense moving with the game , however your body is standing still. This imbalance what is  causes you to feel sick.

Symptoms—Classic symptoms include nausea and vomiting . Other symptoms might include pale skin, headache, a cold sweat , dizziness and irritability.

Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world. It strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance  at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When motion sickness   is concerned there are many effective medicines available in Homoeopathy , but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient , considering mental and physical symptoms.

PETROLEUM 30—Petroleum is one of the top remedies for motion sickness with headache.  The person suffers from violent nausea and vomiting with vertigo and occipital headache. Nausea in riding in a carriage.

COCCULUS INDICUS 30—Cocculus is another best remedy for motion sickness with vertigo. Nausea and vertigo from riding in a car or boat.

TABACUM 30—Tabacum is prescribed where the complaints worse from least motion and better on deck in fresh cold air. The person suffers from symptoms like pallor, cold sweat, and coldness, especially of the hands.

BORAX 30—Borax is best for motion sickness with the characteristic symptom of dread of downward motion. The downward motion of the plane, ship or any carriage brings on nausea and vomiting.

COFFEA CRUDA 30—Coffea cruda is best for motion sickness with continued sickness at stomach with headache. There is constant inclination to vomit felt in throat. Vomiting of mucus with violent attacks of migraine.

PULSATILLA 30—Pulsatilla is prescribed for motion sickness, especially of boat or ships. Nausea and vomiting better in open air on deck but gets worse as soon as when enters the room. The person is cheerful but easily affected to tears . Thirstlessness is another guiding symptom.

STAPHYSAGRIA 30—Staphysagria is prescribed for motion sickness of nervous persons. It should be taken at the movement when dizziness and nausea commenced before vomiting sets in.

BELLADONNA 30—Belladonna is given as a preventive for motion  sickness in aviators. It should be given before boarding an airplane.

APOMORPHINE 30—A specific remedy for nausea and vomiting.


  1. Dr. KS Gopi advised homeopathy travel sickness medicines available online here https://homeomart.com/products/travel-sickness-tablets-pills-in-homeopathy


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