Tourette  syndrome is a disorder that involves repetitive movements or unwanted sounds (tics) that can't be easily controlled. For instance, you might repeatedly blink your eyes, shrug your shoulders or blurt out unusual sounds or offensive words.
Tics typically show up between ages 2 and 15, with the average being around 6 years of age. Males are about three to four times more likely than females to develop Tourette syndrome.
Causes--The exact cause of Tourette syndrome isn't known. It's a complex disorder likely caused by a combination of inherited (genetic) and environmental factors. Chemicals in the brain that transmit nerve impulses (neurotransmitters), including dopamine and serotonin, might play a role.
Symptoms--Tics — sudden, brief, intermittent movements or sounds — are the hallmark sign of Tourette syndrome. They can range from mild to severe. Severe symptoms might significantly interfere with communication, daily functioning and quality of life.
Tics are classified as:
·         Simple tics. These sudden, brief and repetitive tics involve a limited number of muscle groups.
·         Complex tics. These distinct, coordinated patterns of movements involve several muscle groups.
Tics also can involve movement (motor tics) or sounds (vocal tics). Motor tics usually begin before vocal tics do. But the spectrum of tics that people experience is diverse.
Common motor tics seen in Tourette syndrome
Simple tics
Complex tics
Eye blinking
Touching or smelling objects
Head jerking
Repeating observed movements
Shoulder shrugging
Stepping in a certain pattern
Eye darting
Obscene gesturing
Nose twitching
Bending or twisting
Mouth movements
Common vocal tics seen in Tourette syndrome
Simple tics
Complex tics
Repeating one's own words or phrases
Repeating others' words or phrases
Throat clearing
Using vulgar, obscene or swear words
In addition, tics can:
·         Vary in type, frequency and severity
·         Worsen if you're ill, stressed, anxious, tired or excited
·         Occur during sleep
·         Change over time
·         Worsen in the early teenage years and improve during the transition into adulthood
Before the onset of motor or vocal tics, you'll likely experience an uncomfortable bodily sensation (premonitory urge) such as an itch, a tingle or tension. Expression of the tic brings relief. With great effort, some people with Tourette syndrome can temporarily stop or hold back a tic.
Risk factors---Risk factors for Tourette syndrome include:
Family history. Having a family history of Tourette syndrome or other tic disorders might increase the risk of developing Tourette syndrome.
Sex. Males are about three to four times more likely than females to develop Tourette syndrome.

Complications--People with Tourette syndrome often lead healthy, active lives. However, Tourette syndrome frequently involves behavioral and social challenges that can harm your self-image.
Conditions often associated with Tourette syndrome include:
·         Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
·         Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
·         Autism spectrum disorder
·         Learning disabilities
·         Sleep disorders
·         Depression
·         Anxiety disorders
·         Pain related to tics, especially headache
·         Anger-management problems

Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world.Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When tourette syndrome   is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering the mental and physical symptoms.
AGARICUS MUSCARIUS 30—Agaricus is one of the top remedies for facial twitching . There is twitching of the eyelids and eyeballs. The facial muscles feels stiff, face itches and burns.

HYOSCYAMUS NIGER 30---Hyoscyamus is adapted to nervous, irritable and excitable persons. Hyoscyamus is one of the best remedies for tics where the person making grimaces and ridiculous gestures. Muscles twitch when protruding the tongue. The person constantly stares at surrounding objects. Hyoscyamus persons are erotic, expose genitals, makes obscene gestures, sings amorous songs

CUPRUM METALLICUM 200—Cuprum metallicum is best for eye lid twitching. Eyeballs rotate quickly behind closed lids or roll from side to side. Distorted face and chewing motion of the lower jaw.

ARGENTUM NITRICUM  200----Argentum niticum is suited to impulsive and hurried persons. Panics and anxiety attacks. Argentum nitricum is indicated for tics where anxiety worsens the condition.

IGNATIA AMARA 200—Ignatia is best adapted to oversensitive and nervous persons with changeable moods and hysterical attitudes. There is twitching of muscles of face and lips. Spasmodic clenching of the jaws. All complaints worse from emotions.

LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM  200—Lycopodium is indicated when twitching of face and mouth occurs when tired or stressed.  Silly expression. They have a low confidence level. They are emotional, weeps all day.

ZINCUM METALLICUM 200—Zincum met is best suited to persons suffering from cerebral and nervous exhaustion. There is automatic motion of hands and head, or one hand and head. Twitching and jerking of single muscles.


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