Pityriasis alba is a skin disorder  that mostly affects children and young adults. The exact cause is unknown. However, it’s believed that the condition may be associated with eczema, a common skin disorder that causes scaly, itchy rashes.
People with pityriasis alba develop red or pink patches on their skin that are usually round or oval. They often leave pale marks on the skin after the redness has faded.
Causes--The exact cause of pityriasis alba isn’t known. However, it’s commonly considered a mild form of atopic dermatitis, a type of eczema.
Eczema may be caused by an overactive immune system that responds to irritants aggressively. The skin’s ability to act as a barrier is reduced in people with eczema. Normally, the immune system ignores normal proteins and only attacks the proteins of harmful substances, such as bacteria and viruses. If you have eczema, however, your immune system may not always distinguish between the two, and instead attack healthy substances in your body. This causes inflammation. It’s similar to having an allergic reaction.
Most people outgrow eczema and pityriasis alba by early adulthood.
Symptoms--People with pityriasis alba get round, oval, or irregularly shaped patches of pale pink or red skin. The patches are usually scaly and dry. They may appear on the: face, which is the most common place, upper arms, neck, chest and back
Pale pink or red spots may fade into light-colored patches after several weeks. These patches usually clear up within a few months, but they can last for several years in some cases. They’re more noticeable in the summer months when the surrounding skin becomes tan. This is because the pityriasis patches don’t tan. Wearing sunscreen may make the patches less noticeable in the summer months. The light patches are also more noticeable in people with darker skin.
Risk factors---Age--Pityriasis alba is most common in children and adolescents. It occurs in approximately 2 to 5 percent of children. It’s most frequently seen in children between the ages of 6 and 12 years. It’s also very common in children with atopic dermatitis, an itchy inflammation of the skin.
Heat--Pityriasis alba often appears in children who take hot baths frequently or who are exposed to the sun without sunscreen. However, it’s unclear if these factors cause the skin condition.
Humid climate – precipitates dryness of the skins

Skin soaps – without knowing, children and young adults may have acute reactions to skin soaps which they are not usually using

Asthma – skin asthma has manifestations similar to the symptoms of pityriasis alba

Clothing detergents – some products are not hypoallergenic that it can result to skin irritation thus leading skin disorders
Homoeopathic remedies are effective for Pityriasis alba and cure it completely. Some of the important remedies are given below.
BACILLINUM 200—Bacillinum is one of the top remedies for Pityriasis alba. Dry, harsh, sensitive skin. Intense itching , worse at night and in cool air. Bran –like scales.
ARSENICUM ALBUM 6—Arsenic alb is prescribed when itching , burning, and swelling are present. Worse from cold and scratching. There is great anxiety and restlessness. Thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals.
NATRUM MURIATICUM 30----Natrum muriaticum is effective for Pityriasis alaba with dry raw and  skin , worse eating salt. There is a craving for salt is characteristic to Natrum muriaticum.
SULPHUR 200--- Sulphur is prescribed for Pityriasis alba with dry, scaly and unhealthy skin. Intolerable itching , especially at night, when the person gets warm in bed.  A heat sensation in the body. Sulphur patient have an aversion for bathing. The patient have marked craving for sweets.


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