Retinal detachment describes an emergency situation in which a thin layer of tissue (the retina) at the back of the eye pulls away from its normal position.
Retinal detachment separates the retinal cells from the layer of blood vessels that provides oxygen and nourishment. The longer retinal detachment goes untreated, the greater your risk of permanent vision loss in the affected eye.
Warning signs of retinal detachment include the sudden appearance of floaters and flashes and reduced vision
Causes- Retinal detachment can occur as a result of:
·         A sagging vitreous (VIT-ree-us) — the gel-like material that fills the inside of your eye
·         Injury
·         Advanced diabetes
How retinal detachment occurs
Retinal detachment can occur when the gel-like material (vitreous) leaks through a retinal hole or tear and collects underneath the retina.
Aging or retinal disorders can cause the retina to thin. Retinal detachment due to a tear in the retina typically develops when the vitreous collapses and tugs on the retina with enough force to create a tear.
Fluid inside the vitreous then finds its way through the tear and collects under the retina, peeling it away from the underlying tissues. These tissues contain a layer of blood vessels called the choroid (KOR-oid). The areas where the retina is detached lose this blood supply and stop working, so you lose vision.
As you age, your vitreous may change in consistency and shrink or become more liquid. Eventually, the vitreous may separate from the surface of the retina — a common condition called posterior vitreous detachment (PVD).
As the vitreous separates or peels off the retina, it may tug on the retina with enough force to create a retinal tear. Left untreated, fluid from the vitreous cavity can pass through the tear into the space behind the retina, causing the retina to become detached.
PVD can cause visual symptoms. You may see sudden new floaters or flashes of lights (photopsia). These may be visible even in daylight. The flashes may be more noticeable when your eyes are closed or you're in a darkened room.
Symptoms- Retinal detachment itself is painless. But warning signs almost always appear before it occurs or has advanced, such as:
·         The sudden appearance of many floaters — tiny specks that seem to drift through your field of vision
·         Flashes of light in one or both eyes
·         Blurred vision
·         Gradually reduced side (peripheral) vision
·         A curtain-like shadow over your visual field
Risk factors-- The following factors increase your risk of retinal detachment:
·         Aging — retinal detachment is more common in people over age 50
·         Previous retinal detachment in one eye
·         A family history of retinal detachment
·         Extreme nearsightedness (myopia)
·         Previous eye surgery, such as cataract removal
·         Previous severe eye injury
·         Previous other eye disease or inflammation

Well selected Homoeopathic remedies are effective for detachment of retina. Some of the important remedies are given below
NAPHTHALINUM 30—Naphthalinum is one of the top remedies for Retinal detachment. The eyes inflamed, painful and blood shot. Shiny bodies are seen in vitreous. White patches are seen in on retina, which is oxalate , sulphate and carbonate of calcium. There is exudation in the retina, choroid and ciliary body, also opacity of the cornea. There is amblyopia and consecutive amaurosis and sparkling synchisis.The person always have symptoms of hay fever.

ARNICA MONTANA 30-Arnica is another excellent remedy for Retinal detachment due to eye injury. There is diplopia from trauma, muscular paralysis and retinal hemorrhage. Black eye. The patient becomes tired and heavy after sight seeing, moving objects. The patient experiences bruised sore feeling in the eye.

AURUM METALLICUM 30-Aurm met is excellent for Retinal detachment with a feeling of strong pulsation of the central portion of retinal vessels. There is chorio- retinitis chronica with accumulation of fluid beneath retina, which settled  to lower portion of the left eye causing large detachment of retina. There is stitching pain inward. The person experiences extreme photophobia and there is hemiopia , upper half of objects visible. Everything looks blue . Black spots, flames, sparks before the eyes.Pupils not very  active, generally contracted.

CROTALUS HORRIDUS 30- Crotalus hor is best for Retinal detachment due to retinal hemorrhages. Bleeding eyes after a stroke. The person is very sensitive to light especially lamp light. There is intense ciliary neuralgia, tearing, boring pain, as if a cut had been made around eyes.

GELSEMIUM 30—Gelsemium is best for  Retinal detachment and it is suited to nervous and hysterical persons. Retinal detachment of rheumatism. It is also used for Retinal detachment after injury. There is retinitis with deep inflammation with haziness of vitreous .The intra -ocular pressure is increased. The person experiences orbital neuralgia with contraction and twitching of muscles. There is a feeling of bruised pain in the back of the orbits. Complete blindness coming suddenly. There is blurring and discomfort in the eyes even after accurately adjusted eyes. There is intense pain over the right eye with double vision and vertigo. Gelsemium is also best for detachment of retina from myopia.

DIGITALIS PURPUREA 30- Digitalis is another excellent remedy for Retinal detachment with a feeling of wavering vision and everything appears green or yellow.There is dim vision , irregular pupils and diplopia. There is change in acuteness perception of shades of green. A feeling of dark bodies like flies  before the eyes.

JABORANDI 30-Jaborandi is best for Retinal detachment with opacity of the lens.There is smarting pain in eyes with vertigo and nausea. The person experiences spasm of the accommodation while reading. Everything at a distance appears hazy , vision becomes indistinct every few moments. There is a feeling of tension in the eyes.

RUTA GRAVEOLENS 30-Ruta is best for Retinal detachment with asthenopia, astigmatism, and a sensation of violent heat in eyes. There is disturbances of accommodation and pressure deep in orbits. Ruta is a remedy for eye strain, headache from eye strain.


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