An excellent remedy for anemia
Increases amount of hemoglobin        Vanadium       6          Every 4 hours  3 months
Specific for anemia                             Ferrum acetate                        CM      One dose every 2 weeks         6
Anemia due to loss of blood
 and other fluids                                  China               1X       10 drops in water every 4 hours          3 months
Anemia due malaria                            Arsenicum album        30        Every 8 hours  3 months
Increase hemoglobin and
 red corpuscles                                    Calcarea arsenica         3X       4 grains every 4 hours 3 months
Due to lack of iron                              Ferrum phos                1X       One dose daily            1 month
Pallor of skin, mucous membrane,
face, alternating with flushes
With breathlessness after slight
 exertion                                              Ferrum met.                 30        Every 4 hours  3 months                    
Increase hemoglobin
 and red corpuscles                             Lecithin                       3X       4 grains every 4 hours 3 months
Increases the number of red blood
 corpuscles to double                          Natrum cacodyl          1X       Every 4 hours  1 month          
Anemia due to pinworms                    Teucrium mar.             CM      One dose every 2 weeks         4
Due to radiation in cancer patients
Anemia due to long lasting
 depression                                          Phosphorus                  200      One dose every week  8
Anemia due to scanty and
 delayed menses                                  Natrum mur.                200      One dose every week  8
Due to menstrual disorders
Due to over dosing of iron                  Pulsatilla nigricans      30        Every 4 hours  3 months
For aplastic anemia                             T.N.T                           200      One dose every week  8
Anemia due to more intake of tea
and alcoholic drinks   
Due to indigestion especially
 in persons of sedentary life                Nux vomica                 30        Every 4 hours  3 months
Anemia due to the dysfunction of
 liver and spleen                                  Ceanothus                   Q         10 drops in water every 4 hours          3 months
Increases red corpuscles
Anemia due to exhausting diseases,
old age, children growing too fast      Iridium met.                200      One dose once in a week        8
Anemia with palpitations and
 breathlessness                                     Strophanthus hisp.      Q         10 drops in water every 4 hours          1 month
Anemia from malaria                          Ostrya virginica           3X       4 grains every 4 hours 3 months
An excellent remedy in anemia of spinal cord
Burning, aching and weakness of spine
Tenderness on pressure in dorsal region         Strychnia phosphorica             3X       Every 4 hours              1 month 
Intercurrent remedy
Intercurrent remedy                            Psorinum                     200      One dose every week  2
Biochemic medicine
Anemia of children
Pale and flabby children
 suffer from tonsillitis                         Calcarea phos              6X       4 drains every 4 hours 3 months
Anemia of infants with
 tendency to rickets                             Silicea                          6X       4 grains every 4 hours
3 months


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