
Showing posts from January, 2025


SOLANUM MAMMOSUM BOTANICAL NAME: Solanum mammosum Linn. FAMILY: Solanaceae COMMON NAMES: Nipple nightshade DESCRIPTION: An annual herb, erect, branching, villous stem with scattered prickles. The leaves are alternate, large, irregularly angular, subcordate, lobed, prickly on both sides and very villous, yellow-nerved,on the lower surface, the midrib furnished with dark-yellow prickles. Flowers pale blue, violet or grayish on scattered panicle. The berries are yellow, each formed like a teat, whence the specific name. DISTRIBUTION: West India; growing in hedges and cultivated places. PART USED: Ripe berries HOMEOPATHY Coxalgia. Hemoptysis. Irritability. Abnormal sleep. Difficult thought. Effects of tobacco. POTENCY: 1X and higher.   


DRABA VERNA BOTANICAL NAME: Draba verna Linn FAMILY: Cruciferae COMMON NAMES: Witlow grass DESCRIPTION: An annual or winter-annual herb. Leaves in a  crowded basal rosette, oblanceolate, to spatulate or ovate-oblong, 1-2 cm long, pubescent. Flowers white2-3 mm wide, occur in racemes over scapes. Fruit a siliqua. DISTRIBUTION: Native of Europe, introduced in North America. PART USED: Whole flowering plant. HOMEOPATHY For vitamin C deficiency. Skin infections, abscesses around nails. POTENCY: Mother tincture.   


KNAUTIA ARVENSIS BOTANICAL NAME: Knautia arvensis (L) Coult. FAMILY: Caprifoliaceae COMMON NAMES: English: Bluebuttons, Field scabiosa. DESCRIPTION: A tall, hairy, perennial herbaceous plant. The plant has an aromatic odor and bitter taste. The leaves of the rosette and lower stem are spatulae, margins entire or dentate. Leaves on the middle and upper stem are sessile, pinnatified. The flower heads have an aromatic scent. They are flat and basket-shaped. Flowers are bluish-violet color. DISTRIBUTION: Europe. PART USED: Aerial flowering parts. HOMOEOPATHY USES Acute bronchitis with cough. Shortness of breath due to respiratory infections.  Gastritis. Scabies and skin eruptions. Diuretic, POTENCY: Mother tincture and higher.   


GALPHIMIA GLAUCA BOTANICAL NAME: Galphimia glauca FAMILY: Malpighiaceae   COMMON NAMES: Rain of gold, Golden showers. DESCRIPTION: It is an ever-green wild erect shrub with branched taproot system that reaches a height of up to 1.8 to 3 meters. The alternate leaves are ovate or elongate, green above and bluish green below which may become bronze colored during the cold. The sweet- scented flowers are yellow in color, 2 cm in size, with five petals and sepals, and are produced in flowery racemose. The plant can bloom in cycles all year round in the right conditions and under full sun, but mostly from early spring to first frost. DISTRIBUTION: Native of Mexico, Guatemala, and Panama. PART USED: Dried leaves and flowers. HOMEOPATHY Suited to allergic type of people with hay fever, asthma, and sensitive skin. Allergic rhinitis. Sneezing. Hypersecretion from the nasal and ocular mucous membranes.  Bronchial asthma. Hypersensitive to weather changes. Hay fever. Skin allergies. ...