
Showing posts from December, 2012


Raw carrots assist in the normal functioning of the colon and is therefore good for those with stomach and intestinal troubles. It is also beneficial in case of diarrhea,acidity,heartburn and ulcers.To dissolve tumors and cysts, the fresh juice of carrots is drunk between meals at the rate of at least two glasses a day.A poultice of the grated carrots is also applied twice a day.Carrot juice or salad is also a remedy for painful urination,menstrual problem,kidney, and gall bladder obstructions,and yellowish discoloration of the skin. Medicinal Uses of Carrots 1.  Raw carrots assist in the normal functioning of the colon and is therefore good for those with stomach and intestinal troubles. 2.  It is also beneficial in case of diarrhea,acidity,heartburn and ulcers. 3.  To dissolve tumors and cysts, the fresh juice of carrots is drunk between meals at the rate of at least 2 glasses a day. 4.  A poultice of the grated carrots is also applied twice a day for open w


Cucumber has countless health benefits as well as cosmetic properties. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, folic acid (when it is not peeled it contains folic acid) and potassium. The skin of the cucumber is rich in fibre that contains variety of minerals such as potassium, magnesium and silica. Health Benefits of Cucumber Listed below are some of the effective health benefits of cucumber: Cucumber has cleaning properties that removes accumulated waste and toxins from our body. It may improve arthritis since it eliminates uric acid. Cucumber juice mixed with carrot juice is said to be more beneficial to rheumatic conditions caused by excessive uric acid in the body. It has been found that people with diabetes are benefited from the consumption of cucumber or cucumber juice. Cucumber juice taken daily may help in the improvement of gout and eczema. Cucumber included in diet helps people suffering from chest, lung and stomach problems. The potassium


Saw palmetto has recently gained popularity in the U.S. for its medical uses among which is giving symptomatic relief for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) as well as conditions associated with the bladder and urinary tract. The extract of the partially dried berries of saw palmetto constitutes amounts of fatty acids like lauric acid, myristic acid, oleic acid, and palmitic acid, and also includes plant sterols and polysaccharides. The active part of saw palmetto is in these oils. Saw palmetto is a type of dwarf palm that grows in some parts of Europe, Africa, and the southeastern part of the U.S. Many centuries back, saw palmetto was part of the staples of Indian-Americans who eventually discovered its uses. Today, however, substantive medical information on saw palmetto is yet to be supported by research. Most data from research only indicate that saw palmetto has no known side effects in laboratory animals that were fed 2g/kg of the herb's extracts for six months. Medi

Anti-aging Nutrition

Everybody wants to feel and look younger than his or her age. Who wouldn’t? Nobody wants to have wrinkles, heart diseases and memory loss. Well, the only solution to that is to go on an antiaging nutrition diet. Antiaging nutrition diet is a diet that is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are mainly found in fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene and selenium. Antioxidants fight the free radicals in the body. Free radicals are oxygen fragments that attack and damage the life sustaining proteins, cell membranes and the cell genetic code of our body (of which primarily causes aging and diseases). Antioxidants protect the brain and the nervous system from oxidative damages that are linked with age-related memory loss. An antiaging nutrition prevents premature aging and diseases. The advantages of antioxidants are well known.   Fruit and vegetables rich in vitamin C are one example of an antiaging nutrition based diet.


1. Salmon Including two or more servings of salmon everyday will ensure proper protein absorption and eventual weight gain. The essential oils protect against physical wear and tear and ensure better fat absorption.  2. Tuna The essential fatty acids in tuna contain a host of healthy fats, which not only aid in weight gain but also help in maintaining physical well-being. Including a tuna salad for lunch, on a regular basis, will help you gain those extra kilos needed. 3. Shrimps If you are a fan of seafood, then you must have at least two servings of shrimps daily. The rich nutrient and essential acid content in shrimps fills up your body with healthy calories, which help you gain weight faster. 4. Chicken Breasts Grill some chicken breasts and top them up with mayonnaise for a healthy salad lunch. Not only is it delicious to taste, but is nutritious enough to induce some healthy weight gain too.  5. Lean Ground Beef A healthy portion of ground beef in sandwiche


Bananas are one of the most famous common fruits amongst people of every age. Enjoyed in its various forms, bananas are eaten raw, accompanied with desserts, added in smoothies and consumed in many more ways too. Let us look at the benefits of eating this fruit. 1. Blood Pressure Regulation Banana is a fruit that contains high amount of potassium and low levels of salt. This combination helps to regulate the blood pressure It reduces the risk of heart related diseases. 2. Bone Strength The potassium content in bananas is good for the health of your bones. Eating bananas on a regular basis can prevent your bones   from deteriorating. Consuming bananas can also neutralize the amount of sodium in your body, which ultimately saves calcium to get washed out from your body. 3. Source of energy Bananas are loaded with a lot of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C and Vitamin B-6. Considering this fact, it is evident that eating the fruit can provide you with grea